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"Chloe! Justin! Look over here!" We're at the premiere of the movie I'm in, Kick Ass. Yea I'm with Justin. I know I know. I did't want to be with him but he seemed nicer than he seemed. I don't like him that much, but he's an ok friend. He tries to hard though, it makes me think he actually has fun being a..."couple".

We walk into the theater and make sure to keep the facade, holding hands. In parts that nothing's really happening we make googly eyes. I rest my head on his shoulders, feeling the heat of his body radiate off him, warming me up. At the end we drive to an after party at Justin's place he threw to celebrate the movie.

I maybe considered a celebrity but I still fangirl over the other celebrites there. Jennifer Lawrence is my "best friend" and we are actually friends but I still can't believe it. Justin even got the members of One Direction to come which I totally couldn't handle. I introduced myself and actually asked to take photo's with them. They laughed until they reliced I wasn't kidding.

After the party, Justin takes me home. The paps see us and Justin takes my hand. I look down at it and back up at him. He's been doing stuff like this lately and I'm not sure if it's an act or if he actually...means it.

When I walk in, I see my moms sleeping on the couch. Why does she do this? Every time I go out to a premiere or a party or anything she sleeps on the couch.

I invite Justin in, I don't know why but I think I should. We walk into the kitchen and I grab two bottled waters. "Thanks." "Do you want to go upstairs? Into the other living room? I don't want to wake my mother..." "Um I should be going..." "No come on its late. Just stay." "Um alright..."

We walk upstairs and I turn on the tv. "What do you want to watch?" "Oh, um, I don't care really." I switch it to one of the late night shows.

We sit there for a while so I ask him if he's hungry. "Oh I'm fine. I don't want to be a bother." "No, its fine. If you're hungry, you gotta eat." "Um, alright. If you don't mind." I get up and go over to the kitchen (yes we have multiple kitchens) and grab a take out box must have gotten for me. I heat it up in the microwave and grab two pairs of chopsticks.

"Thanks." We sit on the floor so we can share easily. After a while he asks me if I want the rest. "I'm fine...thanks." He keeps looking at me though. I wait a while but he'a still looking at me. "What?" "Nothing just...nevermind." "No what? Why were you staring at me?" "Nothing just you look nice."


"Um where am i gonna be sleeping tonight. I don't mind just sleeping here." "No I'll show you to your room. I just want to stop by my room." I go into my bedroom and slip on a pair of shorts, a vintage t-shirt, and a pair of moccasins.

"It's right there." I point to the door across the hall from mine. "Thanks." He goes in and comes back out a second later...but without a shirt.

"You don't mind right?" "Um, of course not...well I'm gonna go to bed." "Oh alright. See you tomorrow."


I hear a crash and jolt out of bed. I look outside my door and Justin is just getting out if his room. "What was that?" I ask him. "I'm not sure you stay here, I'll go check." He starts for the stairs and I follow behind him. He glances back and whispers "You aren't that good of a listener, huh?"

We walk down stairs and see my mom walking around closing all the curtains. We can still see the flashing through the windows...shit. Papperazzi. "Mom?" "You really should have told me Justin was coming last night." "Sorry ma'am I didn't even know I was gonna stay." "Yeah Mom. I just invinted him to sleep over. It was late and he look tired."

"Are you mad?" "Of course not. But just so you guys know," she turns on the TV "there are already rumours spreading." I sit down and see a picture of Justin and me going into the house last night. The headline says 'Justin and Chloe. Already sleeping together?' 

"But he stayed in the other room!" "Chloe that's true but they don't know that. All they saw was him coming into the house after you." "Well it's not true. It doesn't matter what they think. It's what we know." "Let's just forget about this. Justin I called Scooter he's coming to get you. And Chloe I asked Scooter if he could drop you off at the Ellen studio. So go up and get dressed. I'll make you guys breakfast." "I'm sorry ma'am for the trouble I've caused." "It's not your falut Justin. Just go and get ready."

We head back upstairs. "Um. I'm sorry Chloe. I should have known better." I just nod. I'm too tired for this. It's too early. I walk into my room and go to my closet. I pick out a soft blue adele dress and white keds. I put my hair in a loose braid to the side. I put mascara and eyeliner and a lipgloss two tones brighter than my own lip color. 

I walk to the kitchen and see Justin sitting at the counter talking with my mom. They don't notice me so I listen in. "I really am sorry about this." "It is really okay. I know you didn't do it on purpose." "I know but I should have known better." "Justin the paps make a big deal out of everything. It really isn't your fault. Now eat up Scooter will b here soon." This is where I walk in. Justin turns and sees me. His eyes seem to brighten but that may be just my imagination. Hopefully. "Wow. You look...beautiful." Still doesn't mean anything. "Thanks." "Oh Justin. I forgot to tell you Scotter is bringing you clothes so you don't have to worry about leaving in the same clothes." "Alright thanks." 

"So...Do you want to hang out after your interview?" I really don't want to but I know I have to. "Alright. Where do you want to go?" "Do you want to go eat? Or maybe we could go to the Peir?" I love the Peir. Ever since I've moved to LA it's been my most favorite place to go. "That would be great. You could come pick me up here after though. I want to get changed after the show." "Alright."

"Anyone here?" Scooter walks in from the garage. We gave him keys to the house and a garage opener. I mean we have the keys to Justin's house too. "Hello Scooter." "Are you both ready?" We nod in unision. "Alright lets go then." "Bye Mom." I go and give her a hug. "Thank you Mrs. Moretz." 

We drive in silence until we reach the studio. "Thanks Scooter. See you later Justin." I hear a sad goodbye as I close the door. Maybe I'm just imagining it though. Why would either of them be sad?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2013 ⏰

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