
145 4 7

Tw-Violence, arguing, fat shaming

Marjorie's PoV:

We've got a new staff member starting today, which is good I guess, I mean I don't really care but I mean the staff should be happy as they're always complaining about not having enough staff. I know Siobhan interviewed her though because I was on annual leave so I don't really have high hopes. Apparently her name is Amelia aka Mia. I have no clue what she's like, or even what she looks like. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a red haired woman walking into the office.

M-Are you Mia?
M-Okay you're in the toddler room so if you could just get on with it.
Mi-Okay okay no need to be feisty.
(Marjorie rolls her eyes and gets back to work)

Great she seems like the arguing type. Ughhh why can't people just leave me alone! That's when my phone rang for the 50th time this morning. And to my surprise Char needed the thermometer yet again. I slowly walk to the room and hand it to her.

M-Here now hurry up some of us are busy with other stuff you know.
C-Yes I know Marjorie but Sam's temperature was really high I couldn't exactly just leave him.
M-Ugh whatever.
Mi-No need to be mean Marj calm down.
M-Oh shut up Mia and do not call me that!
Mi-Ooo hit a nerve did I?
M-No just stop being annoying.
Mi-Hahah whatever.
(Mia moves her hair round to the front of her shoulders, and Marjorie can't help but blush before grabbing the thermometer off of Char and rushing out of the room)

Oh my god why do I feel like this? What is wrong with me? Why am I blushing I'm knot men for gods sake. WHAT DO I DO?!

Time skip to a few months later:

Mia's pov:

Me and Marjorie have finally started getting a bit closer but still not too much. But today is the day I'm leaving. I have to find my dad. I need to ask him something at least. Roger already put me on the board of directors because I know about lots of things he wants to stay hidden so he makes sure I'm payed a lot so I keep my mouth shut. So luckily, with this money I won't need to work for at least a year or longer if he keeps paying me. I need to go and break the news to Marjorie now.

Mi-Hey Marj.
M-I thought I told you to stop calling me that?!
Mi-Yep and I didn't so get over it.
M-Right what do you want?
Mi-Just came to tell you that I'm leaving, I've got some personal business to take care of.
M-Oh. I wasn't expecting this.
Mi-Me neither but somethings come up.
M-Okay, will you ever be back or are you gone for good?
Mi-I don't know we will have to see when the time comes to it.
M-Okay well bye Mia.
Mi-Bye Marj.
M-Ughh stop calling me that!
Mi-Never (she smirks)

Marjorie's PoV:

I'm kind of sad that Mia gonna be leaving. But the one thing I'm glad about, is no one calling me Marj anymore. You see, when I was younger I used to love that nickname, I mean it's what my dad called me. But that changed the minute he died. That nickname brings back all the good memories I had with my dad and honestly it makes me quite upset. I mean not like I would tell anyone the real reason though. However, now that Mia's gone. I have to try and figure on what's going on and why I keep getting weird feelings in my stomach whenever I'm around her.

Mia's PoV:

That was harder than I thought it would be, I mean Marjorie kind of looked genuinely upset. We were never really that close, we just liked joking with each other. But anyways, I need to put that behind me, I can't be sad about that and work on finding my dad at the same time. So I push all thoughts about Marjorie and the nursery to the back of my mind, and look at all the clues on my dad's possible whereabouts before setting off in an attempt to find him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06 ⏰

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