Chapter 12

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Kayla Webber

I feel like I'm floating, my head swimming in a fog that I can't shake. The pill I took is starting to kick in, but I can't afford to lose focus. Not now. I blink hard, trying to clear my mind, fighting to stay grounded. I have to stay sharp, have to stay alert. I need to get away from Joe before it's too late.

He's dragging me down this narrow, dark tunnel, his grip tight on my arm as he yanks me along. The cold, damp air fills my lungs, and the sound of our footsteps echoes off the walls. My heart pounds in my chest, fear and anger fighting for control as we move further away from the house, further away from safety.

I try to pull back, but Joe's grip tightens. "Keep quiet," he hisses, his voice low and sharp. "We're almost there."

The tunnel opens up into a garage, and I can barely make out the large black SUV parked in front of us. Joe shoves me toward the car, forcing me into the passenger seat. "Don't say a word," he warns, his eyes cold and dangerous.

I stay silent, swallowing back the panic rising in my throat as Joe fumbles with the keys, trying to start the car. But nothing happens. The engine doesn't even turn over. Joe slams his fist against the steering wheel, cursing under his breath.

"Come on," he mutters, trying again. Still nothing.

He looks furious, muttering about the inconvenience. I feel a flicker of hope—maybe this is my chance. But before I can even think of a plan, the garage door starts to open, the sound of grinding metal filling the air.

My heart jumps, and I turn to see a figure standing in the entrance. A woman. I blink hard, my foggy brain struggling to process what's happening, but then I remember. Michael's sister. Janet.

She's holding something in her hand, a car part, like it's no big deal. The missing piece to make the car run. Joe's face twists in frustration as he sees her, cursing under his breath.

Janet just stands there, calm, holding the part out like she's daring him to do something. "Looking for this?" she says, her voice cool and collected.

Before Joe can react, two more figures appear from behind her—Randy and Jermaine. They move fast, storming into the garage with the kind of authority that makes my heart race for a different reason.

Randy yanks open the driver's side door, and without a word, he pulls Joe out of the car, throwing him to the ground like he's nothing. Jermaine steps in, ripping the weapons from Joe's robe with precision, leaving him defenseless.

Joe tries to struggle, but he's outnumbered, outmatched. He's shouting something, but I'm not listening. All I can focus on is the fact that they're here. Michael's family is here. I'm not alone anymore.

And for the first time in days, I feel a sliver of hope.

Janet knocks on the window, her face framed by a raised eyebrow. "You gonna sit there all night, or are you getting out?" she says, her voice laced with sarcasm.

I feel a wave of embarrassment flood through me. How did I not think of that? I fumble with the door handle, feeling stupid for staying put, and whisper, "Thanks," as I step out of the SUV.

Janet smirks, already turning on her heel. "Yeah, no problem. Let's just not make this a habit, huh?" She tosses the words over her shoulder without even looking back, walking off into the house like none of this fazes her.

I'm left standing there for a second, watching her retreat. She's so calm, so in control, while I'm barely holding myself together. Snapping out of it, I hurry to catch up, chasing behind Janet, Randy, and Jermaine as they stride back toward the house. My legs feel heavy, the fog from the pill still lingering in the back of my mind, but I push through it. I need to see what's happening. I need to see Michael.

We enter the house, and the scene in the living room hits me like a punch to the gut. Celeste is on the couch, her hands raised in the air, looking terrified as Rebbie and Latoya hold her at gunpoint. Her wide eyes dart between the two women, but she doesn't dare move. Joe is thrown on the floor nearby, still writhing in pain from where Randy and Jermaine manhandled him.

Janet steps in, surveying the room with cold detachment. "Someone call Michael," she says, her voice sharp. "Let's get this over with."

Everything feels surreal. My heart is pounding, but I can't tear my eyes away from the scene in front of me. I catch Joe's eye for just a second, and the hatred there sends a shiver down my spine. But it's fleeting, quickly replaced by a burning desire to see Michael, to know that this nightmare is almost over.

Janet stands tall in the middle of the chaos, completely unfazed, like she's done this a thousand times. She snaps her fingers, glancing around impatiently. "Well? Somebody call him." The room buzzes with tension as everyone waits for the next move, and I feel the weight of everything closing in.

Janet's command echoes in the room, the tension thick in the air. Jermaine pulls out his phone, dialing Michael as Rebbie keeps her gun trained on Celeste. I can't tear my eyes away from Joe, lying there on the floor, his eyes locked on mine. There's a flicker of something in them—anger, maybe desperation—but I can't bring myself to care anymore.

Jermaine turns to us. "He's on his way."

Janet crosses her arms, her gaze shifting between Joe and Celeste. "Good. Let's wrap this up."

I stand there, unsure of where to go or what to do. My mind is still foggy, the effects of the pill dulling my thoughts, but I know I need to stay alert. The whole situation feels surreal, like I'm watching it unfold from a distance. I can feel my pulse racing, but I stay silent, trying to keep my cool.

Joe suddenly stirs on the floor, groaning as he tries to push himself up. Janet steps forward and presses her foot down on his back, pinning him in place. "Don't even think about it," she hisses, her voice cold and dangerous.

Joe lets out a grunt of pain but stays down, glaring up at her. "This isn't over, you know," he growls, his voice low and threatening.

Janet just scoffs, applying more pressure with her foot. "Yeah, sure it isn't."

I swallow hard, feeling a wave of nausea wash over me. I can't believe this is happening. I never imagined things would escalate like this, and now it's all spiraling out of control. My gaze flickers to Celeste, who's trembling on the couch, her eyes darting around the room like a cornered animal. Rebbie and Latoya keep their guns trained on her, not wavering for a second.

The front door swings open, and Michael storms into the room, his eyes wild and focused on Joe. His presence changes everything—the air feels charged, and I can feel the tension shift.

His eyes flick to me for a brief second, and something unspoken passes between us before he turns his full attention to Joe. "What the hell is this, Joe?" Michael growls, stepping closer, his voice low but full of anger.

Joe struggles to push himself up, but Janet keeps him pinned. "Just tying up some loose ends, Mikey," he sneers, still defiant despite the situation.

Michael's face darkens, his jaw clenched. "This isn't how you handle business."

Janet steps off Joe, allowing him to sit up, but she stands right over him, her presence looming. "It's over, Joe," she says, her voice steely. "You're done."

Joe spits on the floor, glaring up at Michael. "You really think she's worth all this?" he asks, jerking his chin in my direction.

Michael's face hardens even more, and for a second, I'm scared of what he'll do. He looks at me again, and I can see the conflict in his eyes—he's struggling to hold back, to keep control. But there's something else there too, something raw and fierce, like he's ready to do whatever it takes to protect me.

"She is," Michael says, his voice low but resolute. "More than you'll ever know."

Joe laughs bitterly, but there's no humor in it. "You're a fool, Mikey. She'll leave you, just like all the others."

All the others?

Michael doesn't even flinch. "You don't know anything about her."

Before Joe can respond, Rebbie steps forward, pulling him roughly to his feet. "Shut up," she snaps, her gun still pointed at him. "We're done listening to your bullshit."

Just then, another voice cuts through the air.

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