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[Aspirant! Welcome to the Nightmare Spell. Prepare your First Trial...]

Sunny felt his feet and wrists emanating a dull ache. He looked around to see dozens of slaves just like him.

'What the hell?! Is this my First Nightmare?'

He frantically summoned his runes.

Name: Sunless

True Name:-

Rank: Aspirant

Soul Core: Dormant



Attributes: [Mark of Divinity] [Child of Shadows] [Blood Weave] [Bone Weave] [Soul Weave] [?]

Aspect: [Temple Slave]

Aspect Description: [Slave is a useless wretch with no skill or abilities worth a mention. A temple slave is just the same, except much rarer.]

He stumbled a bit. He was really in the past! But then why did he have –

"Bastard! I'll kill you!"

Sunny chuckled mentally. Ah, how had he missed Shifty! Not much, really. He heard the same talk between him and the broad-shouldered man about killing him or not when a gentle voice introduced the conversation. Here comes scholar! Sunny didn't pay them much attention. His mind was in a whirlpool of questions.

How had he gone into the past? The component of the Temple was the only answer. But he wasn't exactly sent into the past, it was more like his memories had been transferred to his body in the past. Why the start of his First Nightmare, then? Was it because it was the first time he'd come in contact with the Nightmare Spell? But he didn't have the Nightmare Spell anymore! He was Fateless! How could someone without a fate be sent into the past? Also, he had kept the part of Weaver's Lineage, but not the Marble Shell. Why? Was it because he was the Daemon of Fate, so his Lineage was timeless? But then, shouldn't have Sunny possessed the part's of Weaver's Lineage he was fated to have in the future? He also didn't have Fated, which he was supposed to, but [?]. It had no description.

Sunny sighed. As always, questions without answers.

Sunny focused on what he had to do to survive. He knew what was going to happen.

The conversation of the three slave was interrupted by a young soldier. He looked dignified and noble, was clad in a beautiful armour and rode a white horse.

"What is going on here?"

Hero had made his entrance as a paladin of justice!

It was Scholar who answered, just like the first time.

"Nothing, sir. We are just all tired and cold. Especially our young friend over there. This journey is truly too hard for someone so young!"

Sunny struggled to keep in a bitter remark. He was older than the guy! Much older, if one counted the millions of years spent in the Tomb of Ariel!

Hero looked at Sunny with pity. He sighed and took a flask from his belt before extending it to Sunny, who promptly ignored him. No getting whipped this time, thank you very much.

When they set up camp, Sunny was ready for the Mountain King. He managed to kill the Beast without getting injured and shoving the Tyrant off the cliff with the chain. He had explained why he thought the monster would survive with the same reasoning he had given originally. Now, Sunny had taken the duty of finding the flasks and food of the fallen soldiers.

He immediately went for the dying when who would've hit him had he accepted Hero's water and cut his throat with a swift motion.

'Your Nightmare is over. Find peace within me.'

[You have slain a dormant human, name unknown]

[You have received a Memory.]

Sunny summoned the familiar bell, observed it with a smile on his face and dismissed it.

Sunny kept the sword, changed his cloathes and kept roaming the battlefield.

He managed to finish off three other soldier and even a larvae.

He was cursing the Spell while searching the last dead body: he had killed four dormant humans or beast an didn't even receive a Memory.

He grinned. The soldier was in possession of a small knife, which he immediately hid in his pocket.

He left the sword, knowing the extra kilos would take their toll on him, even if he wasn't wounded like last time. He poisoned the water of his companions, making sure to add a few more Bloodbanes in Hero's flask.

Sunny was resting in the cave, alone with Auro of the Nine.

Shifty had fallen while climbing and Scholar had been killed by Hero. Exactly like Sunny had planned.

The soldier's voice resounded in the darkness.

"You know, it's strange. Usually, I can feel someone's presence even in absolute darkness. But with you, there's nothing. It's just like you are one of the shadows."

Nobody answered him.

"Are you asleep?"

The slave didn't move.

The soldier sighed, and slowly and silently unsheathed his weapon. He got in position, ready to end the slave's suffering. His sword was falling when Sunny suddenly rolled, got up and jumped towards Hero, who had no time to react and was weakened by the poison. The dagger Sunny had taken from the corpse of the soldier was viciously stabbed in his throat.

[You have slain an Awakened human, Auro of the Nine]

[You have received a Memory]

Sunny made his way to the temple. He wanted to check the mysterious room that had probably sent him here. However, he quickly identified two problems: he wouldn't be able to break the wall and the Tyrant was still pursuing him, following the scent of blood, even if he hadn't used the Silver Bell.

He entered the space littered of bones, both humans and not. He felt the presence of the Guardian and acknowledged him with a nod before he entered the temple. He was exactly the same as he remembered.

Instead of dying on the altar, he checked his new Memory.

Name: Soldier's Moral

Rank: Awakened

Class: I

Description: [Men's of principle are the most hypocritical]

Attributes: [Unyielding]

[Unyielding] Its still is especially resistant.

It was an unassuming sword, just like those wielded by the soldiers.

Sunny started practicing the battle style he'd created from the Dance of the woman in his dreams.

Even if he had the theoretical knowledge, he wasn't sure if his body could withstand it. Finally, the missed voice of the Spell whispered in his ear.

[You have received an Aspect Legacy, Shadow Dance]

Just then, the harrowing figure of the Tyrant entered the hall. Sunny calmly cut hand and let blood fall in the altar. It was quite a deep cut, to keep Blood Weave from making his blood stay in his body.

[You have offered yourself as a sacrifice to the gods.]

[The gods are dead, and they cannot hear you]

[Your soul bears the mark of divinity]

[You are a Temple Slave]

[Shadow God stirs in his eternal slumber]

[He sends a blessing from beyond the grave]

[Child of Shadows, receive your blessing!]

Tentacle of darkness surged forward and pulled the body of the mighty Tyrant in different directions, tearing it apart.

[You have slain an Awakened Tyrant, Mountain King.]

[Wake up Sunless, your Nightmare is over.]

[Prepare for appraisal...]

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