Chapter 1: Encounter

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New York was filled with people of all ages, scattered around in the snow. Every one was trying their best to get everything they needed for Christmas,for it was only a few weeks away.

One particular person was scurrying to get to her destination. She wore a blue hoodie and scarf, along with pure white mittens to match. Her blonde hair fluttered in the cool wind.
She held her blue and green cameo book bag straps tightly as she walked quickly through an ally. However, she didn't notice the men waiting for her.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

The girl gasped, turning towards the voice.

Two men with purple dragon tattoos came from the shadows.
"Eeeep!" The girl squeaked, backing up into the wall. "Please, don't hurt me! I-i don't want any trouble! "
"Oh but sweetie, we do" one of the men sneered.
Girls pov
'What am i gonna do? What am i gonna do??' I thought. I was shaking, my back pressed against the ally wall. "Hand over the bag." The man ordered, walking into the light.

I clutched my bookbag, backing away more, if that was even possible. "N-no." I said, flinching at how much I was stuttering. "Fine." The man sneered. "Then we'll have to do it the hard way. " He took out a large pocket knife and aimed it at my throat. I gulped, staring at the blade covered in dried blood.

"Please don't. " I sobbed as the man got closer, close enough so I can smell the foul order leaking from his mouth. Tears poured from my baby blue eyes as the man pressed the knife to my throat. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the blow.

But it never came.
Instead I heard a voice.
"Leave her alone"


Hey guys, sorry for the late update. XD Anyway, I hope u enjoyed my story. The girl is based of my friend AngelMarie472 , who also has a oc in her book Creppypasta School who I swear is based off the TOTALLY OPPOSITE VERSION OF ME. I might not be posting often due to school starting so...ya. Thanks for reading! Love u!

- Angel_Kitten_13

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