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The next couple of days that followed were an old type of familiar... A good type of familiar, actually. 

The thing is, Stevie had always been a very devoted mother- a woman that put her kids before anything or anyone else. She didn't have children until her early forties, so she knew what it was like to yearn for that sort of connection... She was always very grateful for the opportunity to have babies and raise them, but she had also been very set in her own ways by the time they came along.

She had lived an entire other life before getting married and so did Lindsey.... They had dated other people- she had even been married for a very brief period, they had their own careers, their own homes, and their own issues by the time they finally settled down, so it wasn't that simple for them.

It had never been that simple for them, in fact. And even though Stevie wasn't the kind of mother that was up at the crack of dawn to send them off to elementary school, nor did she pack lunches, or sign permission slips- she always showed up to everything.

She was in the front row for all the recitals, all the games, and all the plays. She didn't miss a beat, even though she was the only mother that traveled half the year for work, stayed up all night long and slept for the better half of the day... She was still the best, but unfortunately, she let other things get in the way for quite a while.

It was a deep regret and those few days after calling off her affair really put it into perspective... She was reminded of everything she'd put on the back burner for her own selfish reasons.

So, she was trying her best and if anyone noticed, it was definitely her husband, who couldn't remember the last time she had been that present in their home...  It had been a long time.

"Will you sit still for just a few more minutes?" Stevie was sitting on the sofa, both hands resting on Cora's shoulders as she let out a soft laugh.

She was almost done braiding her long brown hair, but the teenager was so antsy, it was impossible to get through both.

"Just like a little kid." Lindsey was across the room, sitting on the accent chair with a smile on his handsome face and a cup of sofa in his hand.

They had all gathered in the living room after their old tradition of Friday night pizza parties and then a movie to follow... Something they had started doing when their kids were little and everyone was home. But like everything else, that had changed and it was Stevie's idea- since both kids were actually at home for the weekend for the first time in forever and it felt perfect.

Stevie nodded in agreement, looking up at Lindsey...She had missed it- she had missed them. "Our sweet baby." She teased, which caused Cora to let out another little giggle.

Rolling his eyes playfully, Miles couldn't help but grin. "You guys are all so annoying." He joked, staying slouched down on the loveseat as he continued to flip through the movie channels.

"You're annoying." Cora argued, also pulling his leg but sounding awfully serious. "And ugly too, so that's unfortunate." She quickly added with a cheesy little grin.

Miles chuckled lightly, reaching one hand into the bowl of popcorn to toss a couple of pieces at her from across the room.

"Miles!" Stevie and Cora both called out his name in unison when the popcorn landed right in her hair, which instantly caused a laugh to escape the younger man... very typical.

There was never a dull moment in their house- it had been that way since the moment they brought babies home from the hospital. Nothing was ever calm around there and honestly, they wouldn't have had it any other way.

"Alright, chill out now." Lindsey still had a soft smirk as he motioned with his free hand towards the television, silently telling his son to hurry up and pick a movie. "You two are giving me a headache." He added in a low tone of voice, having to tease them both right back.

Letting out a soft laugh, Cora pulled some of the popcorn out of her hair and tossed it right back over at her father. "Why are they so obnoxious, mom?" She had a big smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she glanced back over her shoulder at the older woman, who still had her hands twisted into her daughters natural curls.

Stevie couldn't help but giggle as she glanced up at her husband, kind of surprised when her eyes melted right into his deep blue storms instantly. "Because they're ours and we love them, so they know they get away with it."


"How are you feeling tonight?" Stevie was sitting on her side of the bed, leaning back against the headboard as she watched him trail through the room.

It wasn't super late, but for the last couple of nights, she had really made it a point to try and go to bed when Lindsey was going to bed... Something normal for most married couples, but not for them.

She had always, even at the very start of their marriage and in the midst of raising little babies, stayed up well into the morning hours, while Lindsey tried his hardest to run on a real routine schedule... they had always been opposite, but she just really wanted to be there, with him.

"I'm fine." He chuckled softly, pulling his hoodie up over his head to toss it onto the accent chair that was designated to collect random clothes. "Don't worry." He added a moment later as he slowly began to sink down into the empty spot next to her.

She pursed her lips to the side, finally pulling her reading glasses off her face to see him a little better. "That's a lot easier said than done." Her voice was soft, setting her book down on her nightstand before she glanced back at him.

Lindsey cracked a grin, rolling over on his stomach and not hesitating to wrap his arm around her legs. "Oh, baby." He whispered, snuggling in closer to leave a kiss on the curve of her hip. "Just let me hold you for a little while..." his words caused her heart to sink into the pit of stomach, suddenly not sure she could even remember the last time he'd said something like that to her.

Her hand met the top of his head, running her fingers through his curls as this hint of guilt immediately washed over her. "You still love me, right?" Stevie whispered, tears already lingering in her brown eyes.

Creasing a brow, Lindsey chuckled lightly as he pressed his lips to her leg once more. "You could never do anything to make me love you any less."

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