New life

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I was just a average girl,had a decent job,i liked reading novels and play games.

I was heading home from work when i stop at a green light,a child ran across the road with a truck heading towards him

I didn't give a second thought on my action and rushes in and pushes the child away letting myself get hit by the truck

I plumit to the ground,my vision black out
I slowly opens my eye's to see myself being in a plain white place that has nothing

"Ugh.......that hit literally hurt"i slowly sits up and look's around to maybe find an exit but there isn't one,i sighed

As i sit there, the white nothingness begins to shift, and a figure materializes before me. The goddess of life, her eyes gleaming with curiosity and amusement. "You're awake," she says, her voice echoing in the empty space.

The goddess smiles at my reaction, her voice like a melodious symphony as she speaks, "You're probably wondering where you are. Well, dear, you died. But fear not, for I, the goddess of life, have brought you here to offer you a choice."

"a choice?"i asked,she nodded "yes for the good deed you have done i will reward you to be reborn" she answers as she conjure up 3 balls

She holds out her hands, revealing three glowing orbs of light - one red, one blue, and one green. "Choose wisely," she warns. "Each path offers its own unique challenges and rewards.

"pick one of them"she gestures to me
i thinks it through and picks it randomly my finger ends up picking the red one

"ok then i will give gift"She hands me  three bags, each one radiating a different aura. The first bag is filled with warmth and light, the second with cool, calming energies, and the third with an intense, pulsating power. "These gifts will aid you in your new life," she explains. "Choose wisely."

"Remember, child," the goddess says as you ponder your choice, "whatever world you choose, whatever gift you select, your journey won't be easy. But it will be yours."

"ok ill choose the second bag" "good choice"The goddess nods approvingly as you make your choice. She taps her staff on the ground, and a door materializes before you. "Through that door," she says, "you will find your new life. Good luck, dear." With a gentle smile, she waves goodbye. "Now go,"

i wave goodbye and walks in the door
As i step through the door, a brilliant light envelops me, and i felt myself falling. When i finally land with a thud,i find myself in a room filled with nice furniture. A mirror catches my eye, and i saw my reflection

I gasp, realizing that i have been reincarnated as a baby. The infant next to me coos, reaching out her tiny hands and grasping on my clothing.i look at her, noting her similar features to my own.

'oh does that mean she's my sister, wait! Why does her appearance look familiar?' i thought

Then a woman came in the room "oh good morning akira and ayano you look quite cheerful this morning"she smiles

Wait! Ayano as in yandere-chan! That means this woman infront of me is ryoba aishi,ayano's mother, I was in shock

The woman, Ryoba Aishi, picks me and ayano up and cradles me in her arms. "Let's get you two dressed and ready for breakfast," she says warmly

she caries us to the dinning table and place's us on a kiddie chair,Then spoon feeds us baby food 'but i have to admit it looked disgusting but taste delicious'i thought while i continued eating

Ryoba turns around and smiles at the two of me and Ayano. "It seems like Ayano wants to play with you, Akira," she says. She walks over to a toy basket and grabs a couple of plush toys, placing them in front of you both

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25 ⏰

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