Chapter 3: First Steps into Darkness

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The morning light streamed through the windows of Sophia’s apartment, but it felt dull, muted in comparison to the intensity of the night before. She had returned home late, after hours spent at Nicholas’ estate, her mind spinning with emotions she couldn’t name, her body still buzzing with the remnants of his touch. It felt as though she had stepped into another world with him, one where the rules of her carefully controlled life no longer applied.

She stood in her kitchen, staring down at the cup of coffee in her hands, her reflection wavering in the dark liquid. Every part of her felt different—her skin more sensitive, her mind sharper, more aware. She had expected to feel regret or shame when she woke up, but instead, all she felt was… anticipation. She couldn’t stop thinking about him, about the things he had made her feel, the way he had unlocked something deep inside her that she had long buried.

*You’re mine now, Sophia.*

His words echoed in her mind, stirring something inside her, something dangerous and thrilling. She had always prided herself on being in control, on keeping her emotions and desires locked away where no one could reach them. But Nicholas had reached them. He had stripped away the layers of control, bit by bit, until all that was left was raw, unfiltered feeling.

The collar. His touch. The way he had whispered her name, coaxing her into surrender. She had never felt so vulnerable, so exposed—and yet, she had never felt so alive.

Sophia shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts, but it was no use. She couldn’t get him out of her mind. The seven days she had agreed to felt like both an eternity and a fleeting moment all at once. She wasn’t sure what would happen at the end of those seven days, but she knew one thing—she couldn’t stop now. She was already too far in.

Her phone buzzed on the counter, pulling her out of her thoughts. She glanced at the screen, her heart skipping a beat when she saw Nicholas’ name. It was a simple text: *Tonight. 8 PM. My place.*

A shiver ran down her spine as she stared at the message. He didn’t need to say more. She knew what it meant. He had given her a taste of what was to come, and now he was going to take her further, deeper into his world.

*First steps into darkness,* she thought, the words both exciting and terrifying.

Sophia spent the day in a haze of nerves and anticipation. She went through the motions—work, meetings, the usual routine—but her mind was elsewhere, always circling back to Nicholas, to the way he had made her feel, to the way he had taken control so effortlessly. Part of her wanted to resist, to hold onto the control she had spent years cultivating, but another part of her—the part that had been awakened the night before—wanted to give in completely.

By the time 7 PM rolled around, Sophia found herself standing in front of her closet, her hands trembling slightly as she selected what to wear. She chose a black dress, simple but elegant, the kind that made her feel powerful even as she prepared to surrender that power. She slipped on a pair of heels, her mind racing with anticipation and uncertainty. What would happen tonight? How far would Nicholas push her?

Her phone buzzed again as she finished applying her makeup. Another message from Nicholas: *Come to the side entrance when you arrive.*

Her pulse quickened. This was different. Last time, he had greeted her at the front door. This time, he was leading her somewhere more private. The thought sent a wave of nervous excitement through her.

When she arrived at Nicholas’ estate, the iron gates opened silently before her, just as they had the night before. But this time, instead of driving up to the front entrance, she followed a narrow path that led around the side of the mansion, winding through tall hedges until she came to a small, private door. It was less grand than the front entrance, more intimate, as though it was meant for a select few.

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