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Owen was begging Dylan to listen. She was shaking and crying.
"Please, Dylan. Please listen to me. This behaviour has to stop. This dramatic coma nonsense. " Owen had hold of Dylan by her shoulders. He was shaking her to emphasise his point and make her listen. The corrections officer came and grabbed Owen.
"Please, be careful." A nurse said to the CO. "He's just had major surgery. His stitches." Owen suddenly went dizzy from the exertion. He nearly collapsed. His legs are going from under him. Owen was taken back to his room on a gurney. He was then shackled to his bed.
Dylan was shaking like a leaf. Her breathing was irregular, and her chest hurt. It felt like an elephant was sitting on it.
"My chest." She managed to get out. A nurse rushed into Dylans room, checking the vitals monitor. Dylans heart rate was up, and her blood sats were OK.
"Dylan, you are ok. You are having a panic attack. You need to focus on me. Follow my breathing, OK?" Dylan tried to copy the nurse, but it seemed like she couldn't calm down. The nurse got the oxygen mask and placed it on Dylans face. Once Dylan had some oxygen flowing into her brain, her spiral was becoming more manageable. Dylan concentrated on what Nurse Roz was saying to her. A Dr appeared as Roz calmed Dylan.
Dr Hunter had come to check Dylans incisions.
"That's it, Dylan." Roz said. Dylan finally calmed. Roz filled Dr. Hunter in on what happened.
"I am going to check on Mr James and see if he can be discharged back to hospital." Hunter said and left Dylans ICU room.

Carol finished work and checked her cell phone for messages. She had one from Pete Wentz, asking how Dylan was doing.
'I am on my way to the hospital now. I will update you when I can.'Carol replied back.
She got into her car and drove towards the hospital.
Nico was sat with Dylan. Jane was also there. Dylan was spiralling again because of what had happened with Owen. Jane was going to call Carol, but she knew Carol would be on her way.
Jane held Dylans hand and tried to calm her. Nico left the room. He couldn't bear to see his sister like that.
As Nico sat in the waiting area, Carol approached. Nico was crying.
"Nico? What's wrong?" Carol asked.
"Dylan. She's having a panic attack. Owens here, too. He had to have surgery, and he managed to get to Dylan." Nico explained.
"WHAT?" Carol said. She them realised her son needed her comfort, instead of her raging about how lax the prison guards were.
Carol held Nico close as he cried.
"It's ok, Son." Carol stroked Nicos head as she held him. Nico started to calm down. Carol kissed his forehead and stood up. Nico went to the bathroom and washed his face.
Carol walked into Dylans room. Jane was holding her.
"Hi ladybug." Carol said.
"Hi Mom." Dylan replied. Jane got up and let Carol hug her daughter.
Dylan hugged her mother tight. As they parted, Dr. Hunter came into the room.
"Ah Dylan, good news. We are transferring you to your own private room."
"That's good news!" Carol said to her daughter. Dylan nodded.
"What about Owen?" Carol said. Dylan was starting to get anxious again.
"He's been discharged back to the prison. We are also doing a full investigation as to how and why he was able to make contact with you, Dylan. He shouldn't even have been on the same floor as you. He should've been taken to the prison ward." Dr Hunter was angry with how this could've happened. It was clear that Dylan has PTSD. She will need a lot of counselling.

3 days later, there was something happening at the hospital. People were asking for a selfie and autographs.
Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco had arrived to see Dylan. Dylan was wheeled to the recreation room in a wheelchair.
Carol, Jane, and Nico were also there, along with a few nurses who were fans. Dylan had no idea what was going to happen.
The first bars of Bang, the doldrums started up acoustically. Then Patrick Pete Joe and Andy were in front of Dylan. She couldn't stop the grin that had spread across her bruised face.
Next was She's my Winona, followed by Dance Dance. Dylan applauded and thought that today couldn't get any better. The song "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" was also played acoustically.
Brendon Nicole Mike and Dan were all sat on stools
Brendon looked over at Dylan and winked at her. Dylan was fangirling hard right now. Her 2 favourite bands in the whole world were right here, playing her her own private concert.
Kaleidoscope eyes and Hallelujah played, and then both bands played 20 dollar nose bleed.
Afterwards, Dylan chatted with all her idols.
"How are you doing now?" Patrick asked, sitting next to Dylan.
"Physically, I am getting there. But I have some serious PTSD I have to work through. One step at a time, though." Dylan replied, smiling.
"Well, we are going on tour next year, so we would love for you and your family and friends to come along. Backstage passes and VIP." Dylan just nodded because she couldn't speak. Her and Patrick continued talking. They found that they had quite a lot in common.
"Hey, Trick, stop hogging the guest of honour." Brendon said, approaching them. "Hi, I am Brendon." Brendon put his hand out for Dylan to shake. She tentatively shook his hand. The 3 of them were having a good chat. Carol had brought some of Dylans merchandise and records for the bands to sign. They had selfies taken together. Lots of selfies. There were even a couple of video messages recorded for Dylan.
"I know that Tricks offered you tickets for next years tour, well we would like to do the same." Brendon said. Dylan nodded to that as well. "Do you have your cell phone?" Dylan shook her head. She didn't know where it was.
"Honey, I have your cell phone. It was in your stuff from when you were brought in." Carol said, giving Dylan her phone.
"May I?" Brendon asked, gesturing towards her phone. Dylan nodded and handed her phone to Brendon. He put his number in and then passed it around to everyone else so they could add themselves to Dylans contacts.

Forgiveness    BOOK ONE IN A 3 PART SERIES Where stories live. Discover now