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YN’s heart thudded in her chest as she read the email for the third time that morning. She had been officially hired as the new personal assistant to the CEO of Kim Corporation,
Kim Taehyung—the very same man she had encountered in the most embarrassing way possible weeks ago. The phone mix-up. His irritated glare. The way his piercing eyes had seemed to freeze her in place. And now, she was going to be working for him.

Standing in front of her bedroom mirror, YN adjusted her blazer for what felt like the hundredth time. Her palms were clammy, and her mind raced with thoughts about the day ahead. Would he even remember her? If he did, how could she possibly face him without thinking about that awkward encounter? Stop overthinking. She gave herself a firm look in the mirror, but her anxiety was hard to shake.

The morning commute passed in a blur, with YN’s nerves barely allowing her to focus on the city around her. As she neared the towering headquarters of Kim Corporation, the sleek glass building loomed overhead, casting long shadows in the early sunlight. It was the kind of place that exuded power, wealth, and influence—everything YN had always felt so distant from. Yet, here she was, about to step into that world.

She straightened her back and pushed through the heavy revolving doors. The lobby was exactly as she remembered it: grand, with marble floors that gleamed beneath the soft light filtering in from the towering windows. The air was crisp, smelling faintly of polished wood and fresh flowers. Every step she took echoed slightly, a reminder of the importance of where she was. Employees moved briskly around her, some engrossed in conversations, others absorbed in their work. Everyone seemed to belong here, and YN couldn’t help but feel like an outsider.

At the reception desk, the receptionist—a polished woman with a perfectly tailored suit and an even more perfect smile—greeted her warmly.

"Miss YN, welcome to Kim Corporation. We’ve been expecting you. You’re assigned to the executive floor on the 17th. Mr. Taehyung will see you shortly."

YN swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. “Thank you,” she managed to say before turning toward the elevators, her feet feeling heavy. Her mind played and replayed the scenario of meeting Kim Taehyung again. What if he remembers? What if he’s still irritated? What if I mess up on my first day?

The elevator doors slid open with a quiet whoosh, and YN stepped inside, pressing the button for the 17th floor. The ride up was agonizingly slow, the numbers ticking upward with a deliberate pace, giving her far too much time to overthink. She tried to steady her breathing, clutching her bag a little too tightly as she mentally ran through the responsibilities of her new role. Stay calm. Be professional. Everything will be fine.

When the elevator finally opened, YN was greeted by an atmosphere entirely different from the lobby. The executive floor was quieter, almost serene in its luxury. Plush carpeting muffled her footsteps, and the walls were lined with minimalist art, giving the space a refined, exclusive feel. Everything about it screamed importance, and YN felt smaller with each step.

A staff member guided her to her desk, which was positioned just outside the office of Kim Taehyung himself. It was an elegantly designed workspace, with sleek furniture and a large window that overlooked the city. On the desk, a small bouquet of fresh flowers greeted her with a card that read: Welcome to Kim Corporation! The gesture was sweet, but it did little to ease the knot of anxiety tightening in her chest.

She hadn’t even had time to properly settle in before a soft chime from her computer alerted her to a message. Her breath caught in her throat as she read the notification:

The CEO requests your presence in his office. Please come immediately.

Her stomach lurched. Already? She had been there for all of ten minutes, and she was already being summoned by the one person she had been dreading to meet. YN quickly stood, brushing invisible wrinkles from her skirt as she took a deep breath. She smoothed her hair and mentally prepared herself for the encounter. You can do this, YN. You have to.

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