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(This is in Audrey's POV btw)

I wear this:

With these shoes:

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With these shoes:

I read a few pages of my book before Bridget walks out of our bathroom with her normal pink clothes on

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I read a few pages of my book before Bridget walks out of our bathroom with her normal pink clothes on.
"You ready?" I ask her.
"Yup!" She replies in her usual bubbly voice.
Bridget and I walk to our normal spot that we sit in during free periods and before school starts.
We find Madison and Ella sitting there.
"Heyyyy." Madison says standing up and walking over to me as we do our crazy handshake.
"We have baking up first." Bridget says happily as her pearly white smile widens.
"That's fun." I say.

In baking we cook cupcakes, Bridget cooks her Pink Flamingo Cupcakes.
As we walk out of the class she starts to hand out cupcakes.
"Ooh what do we have here." Uliana says in a mocking tone.
"Hmmm." Hook replies mockingly putting his hook on his chin.
"Do you want one?" Bridget asks with her bubbly personality showing.
Uliana steals the plate of Cupcakes.
"My name's Bridget and I need to bribe people to be my friend" Uliana says mockingly.
That's when my anger snapped.
"Give them back." I say giving her a death stare.
"What are you gonna do if I don't?" Uliana says as she starts laughing maniacly.
"If you don't give them back I'll rip your shrimpy tongue out." I say with a threatening tone.
"You wouldn't do that Princess" Hook says as he runs his hook over my cheek.
"I would" I say pushing his hook off my face.
Uliana takes the Flamingo feathers of the cupcakes and throws the plate on the floor causing the cupcakes to smoosh.
"I only wanted the feathers, you can have the rest." She says placing the feathers into her mouth.
"That's too many." Bridget warns her.
"Go cry about it." Uliana snaps back.
Uliana turns into the Flamingo and Ella grabs Bridget and they start to run.
Madison and I run after Uliana including Ulianas friends and the rest of the school.
I grab Bridgets arm before she falls into the water and I accidentally push Uliana into the water.
Our small group of 4 run away as Uliana yells angry rambles at us.
"I should go apologise." Bridget says.
"No way, your apologising, she deserved it." I tell her.
"She did." Ella adds.


"We need to get revenge." Uliana says as they walk into their hide out thingy.
"Well why don't you make them walk the plank?" Hook says.
"But darling that's too easy." Uliana says in return.
"Prick them with a thousand thorns." Maleficent says evily.
"And what they fall asleep."
"We could burn them to a crisp." Hades says as his hair turns into a fiery blue.
"Yeah let's burn them to a crisp." Morgie says.
"No it should be worse, worse than all of these." Uliana says.
"Hook. You need to make Audrey fall in love with you and break her heart into a million pieces. And use her to turn Bridget into a beast at the ball." Uliana says.
Hook nods.
"Isn't that a bit harsh." Morgie says.
"No way, your saying that because she's your tutor." Uliana replies.
Morgie nods.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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