001 | 4th of July

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Waking up to the sound of someone calling my phone was not how I wanted to start the day. I looked at my phone to see who'd woken me up at this hour, the caller id displaying the name 'Jake Webber'.

For Fuck's Sake, Jake.

I pick up my phone from my side table and click answer before turning on the speaker.

"Maddie!!" Jake's voice blasts through my phone.

I rub the sleep off my eyes and cringe from how loud my phone is, turning him down slightly.

"Hey, Jake!" My voice comes out hoarsely.

"Woah, someone just woke up! How proactive." Jake jokes.

"Dude, what time is it?" I yawn.

"It's like 10:30." He answers.

"That's not even that late! I bet you woke up like half and hour ago too." I argue.

"Fair, usually I do but I've been organising for a party." He explains.

"A party?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's why I'm calling actually. I've sent out an invite to a couple people and thought I'd call you instead to see if you'd like to come." He says.

"A couple? How much is a couple?" I inquire.

"Probably about 100, maybe? I've invited like 60 and people are bound to bring a plus one." He reasons.

"Yeah, I'll come! What time? And what's the theme? I'm guessing it's a 4th of July theme." I guess.

"Yep, bingo. It starts at 6 and it's an endless party, but really come whenever." He tells.

"Okay that's fine. Do you need me to come early and help set anything up." I offer.

"Nah, don't worry about it! Johnnie and Carrington are here. They do fuck shit up a bit but they help."

"Hey!" From what I hear is Johnnie in the background.

"Give them more credit, Jake!" I laugh.

"Fair, Fair!"

"Anyways, I'll let you go so you can continue!" I say.

"Oh yes, good idea! So you're coming?" He makes sure.

"Yeah, I love a good party and it will make great content to for when I get ready." I confess.

"Alright, Okay! I'll see you when I see you!"

"Bye, Jake! See ya!" I say goodbye and hang up.

That gives me 7 1/2 hours, time to go shopping.


"Hey Guys, Gals and non-binary pals! If you can't tell already from the title, today I will be getting ready for Jake Webber's Party!" I clap my hands together.

"I've been shopping for little accessories to work with the theme of the party, which is 4th of July, the day of America's independence. Usually, I would show you the fit first but I want to build up for that moment so we are gonna start with makeup."

I filmed the whole of my makeup routine, I didn't go full glam but I went a bit heavier on the eyes than usual everyday makeup.

"Now for the hair, I was kinda thinking of a messy double dutch braid that goes into ponytails. Ooo and I'm gonna curl them! Yes, I've got it. I already showered beforehand sooo we're just gonna get into it."

I decided I was going to speed up the video when I was going to do my hair, mainly since I wasn't speaking much because I was focusing and I didn't want this to be a long video.

"Alright, the moment you've all been waiting for, the moment I have been waiting for. I'm about to get dressed into my outfit. Tara called me while I was out and asked if we should match, and I mean who's going to say 'no' to TaraYummy." I tilt my head as if I was asking the question.  "I'm going to get into the outfit and then show you guys!!"

I had put on a bikini with the pattern of the American Flag, some denim jean shorts, a pair of mid-calf length white cowboy boots with a matching white handbag, and for an accessory I had a red cowboy hat with fluff around the edge.

I quickly film the outfit reveal, since it was 6:30 and I was late.

"This is the whole outfit now! It's actually really cute, I love it sm. I also pulled out some loose pieces of my hair. I will film some more when I get to the party but that's it for now and I won't be doing an outro later so I'm going to quickly do it now!" I pick up the camera. "Hope you enjoyed this video, please check out my TikTok, Instagram and Twitter, my handles are in the description! I loved filming this video although it was short! And I hope to see you all next time, Goodbye my loves!!" I blow a kiss and wink before waving at the camera and shutting it off.

Party Time!

Party Freak | Carrington BornsteinWhere stories live. Discover now