Chapter 1

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Two men stood on a barren land, guns pointed at each other. The ground around them was littered with dead bodies. Both men were heavily bleeding, their breaths ragged and shallow. One of them spoke, his voice strained, "Do you have any idea what you're doing? This won't bring any good. You can still stop it."

The other man, his eyes filled with resolve, replied, "I know exactly what I'm doing. Forgive me, but I don't have any choice left. Farewell, Siddharth... you will always be my friend."

The sound of a gunshot echoed through the desolate landscape.

20 Years Ago in New York...

Radio : A house was engulfed in flames after a massive explosion near Sidster Street. When the police arrived, they found only the charred remains of six bodies, burned beyond recognition. Five of them are merely children, and one is an adult male. Authorities are still investigating the cause of the fire and how these children ended up in this house. The city mourns yet another tragic incident as the investigation continues.

Present Day...

"There's a new guy joining us today," said one FBI agent.

"Really? It's been a while since we've had a newcomer. What's his name?" another agent asked.

"Siddharth," came the reply.

"Is he Indian?"

At that moment, Siddharth entered the room. He was a handsome young man in his 20s, dressed in a black coat and pants. His black hair and brown eyes gave him a striking appearance. After a brief introduction, the other agents introduced themselves. Suddenly, another agent burst into the room, his tone serious.

"It's an emergency," he announced. "John Lendi has been murdered in his sleep."

Siddharth raised an eyebrow. "Isn't he one of the richest businessmen in New York, famous for Lendi watches?"

"Yup," confirmed an agent named Chris Den.

The higher-ranked officer quickly ordered Siddharth and Chris to take over the case. As the room cleared, Siddharth appeared deep in thought.

Chris noticed his confusion and asked, "What's the matter?"

Siddharth responded, "John was one of the richest businessmen, so he must have had very tight security. Despite that, he was murdered. It doesn't add up."

Chris nodded in agreement. The two agents headed to Lendi Company to begin their investigation. They learned that John had fallen ill the previous evening.

"Did he consult a doctor?" Chris asked.

"Yes," the manager of Lendi Company replied. "He had a doctor who regularly took care of him, as he was a heart patient. The doctor visited him once a week."

"Where is he now?" Siddharth inquired.

"He's probably at Lenox Hill Hospital. His name is Dr. Aden Gren."

Lenox Hill Hospital...

At the reception desk, Chris approached the receptionist. "We're looking for a doctor. His name is... umm... Aden Gren."

The receptionist checked the list and responded, "Room No. 69."

They made their way to Room 69 and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" a voice called from inside.

As they entered, Dr. Aden Gren greeted them with a cold smile. "So, what does the FBI want from me? Let me guess... you're here to investigate John Lendi. Am I right? Of course, I am. So, I won't waste your time-I killed him. I gave him poisoned medicine."

Siddharth's anger flared. "You damn bastard! Why? Doctors are supposed to save lives, not take them. Don't act like you're some supreme being!"

Aden's expression remained indifferent. "Because I'm already dead. Everything is an illusion. Why should I waste my time on them?"

Chris stared at him in disbelief. "You're completely insane... stop talking nonsense."

Aden chuckled darkly. "I'm just telling the truth. It looks like your friend here gets it. Haa...haa...haaa..."

Suddenly, Siddharth's face went pale, and his entire body began to tremble. "It can't be... it's still going on..."

To Be Continued...

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