Brother's Bestfriend 🍃

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Hiiii guyzz

First of all here's a 🌸flower for you guys for loving and liking this book this much
Thank you so much 🥺😭
You have my hole heart darling ✨🌸

Back with another new fluffy shot
This one can give you a heart attack too.
Yes, i not talking about Rishabh Pant's batting.

So let's start without any bakchodi....!


Brother's Bestfriend

Ishan, bubbly personality who always carries shiny mischievous twinkle in his eye, this innocent soul can’t seem to stay still for even a moment every encounter is filled with fun, and every day is an opportunity for adventure. you’ll likely find him gazing up at the sky, lost in the clouds and dreaming of what life has in store for him. Ishan’s.

Raj, Ishan’s protective older brother, Raj, cherishes him deeply. A loving guardian with a hint of strictness, Raj treats Ishan much like a child, always concerned for his wellbeing while ensuring he stays true to his studies. He lovingly nudges his brother towards healthy choices and tries to rein in Ishan's wild spirit although, deep down, he admires that spirited nature.

Shubman, Shubman, Raj’s best friend, who has seamlessly woven himself into the fabric of the brothers' lives.  Shubman has developed a fondness for Ishan that goes beyond friendship. He nurtures Ishan  with care, always ready to indulge him while also keeping an eye on him like a protector in a fairy tale.

A tranquil morning, the golden light dances through the window, the soft glow embrace over the room, feeling of warmth and clam
enveloping the atmosphere of room.

A boy sleeping soundly, his chest rising and falling rhythmically with each breath. The soft light glowing up his skin.

A loud noice cutting through the quiet room, he immediately opens his eyes.
Its make him turn around, finding his alarm makes the calm atmosphere noisy.
He immediately turn off the alarm ham sets on the bed, rubbing his eyes.

He look around fitting his slight in room's light.

The sound of birds chanting filled the room and making the morning peaceful.

He, known another ishan.
Get out of this bed and walks towards bathroom.

After sometimes
Ishan was done with his morning routine.
So he walks downstairs
Middle of stairs, the small chocolate stuffed the atmosphere
A soft smile curved on his face as he walks towards the kitchen without any making slightest sound.
Hugged his beloved brother, who just signed but a smile appears on his face.

"ishh" Raj called out his brother as he feels two small, tiny arms are holding him.

"good morning" a soft sound of greeting echoes in room.

"good morning" Raj greet back, pulling his  brother who glued to him.

Ishan giggle and look around, he was thinking what's for breakfast by seeing the ingredients placed on counter.

"what are you making? " ishan asked, still look confused

"what you wanna eat?" Raj asked while raising his eyebrows.

"um.. Anything but not that vaggies" ishan said looking totally revolted by thinking of vegetables laying on counter.

"um.. I the smell of chocolates coming from here some time ago" ishan said remembering the moment.

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