Chapter one: Rebirth

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"He has done what?!" My voice echoed through the bleak chamber. A moment of shocked silence passed.

Finally, the older man before me, one of my advisors, cleared his throat. "Ahem, King Grey of Etharia has issued you a challenge to resolve-"

"I heard what you said, I simply can't believe he'd have the nerve." My nails dug into the table. This man attacked my home, killed my people, and dared to challenge me to resolve it?!

My mind raced trying to find some way around this battle, but nothing came to me besides the faces of my people, each one would become a casualty due to my choice if I ignored the challenge. The idea of his army setting up outposts just beyond our borders fueled my rage. Just as I was about to explode and take up the challenge, a hand found its way to my shoulder.

"I understand your concern, Queen Kylie, however, we simply can't allow you to accept this challenge." A soft, soothing voice called out as I looked back. My first advisor, Eris stared back, and her eyes shone desperately with a look of worry on her aged wrinkled face.

I felt my eyes widen in disbelief, "Eris, this man had sent his army to wreak havoc on my- our home! He tore down our walls and laid waste to the innocents who merely wished to survive."

"I understand how you feel-" She started, however, Francis, my second advisor, cut her off.

"Clearly you don't, a woman like you, one from another country, could never understand how it feels to watch born and raised Alverian citizens being slaughtered. It's different when you are one just like them." He scowled at her.

I turned to the round man, glaring slightly. "Eris has sacrificed everything for this country. Do not make her seem less than us." I spoke firmly, my words laced with a tinge of venom.

Francis stayed silent for a moment, his eyes showing a hint of reluctant acknowledgment before turning to Eris and bowing slightly, "My apologies, Mrs. Eris. I was overcome by my emotions. However, I do feel as though this challenge cannot be turned down. It would show weakness on our part. Additionally, it would imply that we care not for the Alverians who died by his hand." He brought his hands up to rest his chin against them, a strange look passing through his eyes for a moment.

I waited to speak, brushing off the look he'd had as he was thinking. A moment of silence enveloped the room before I spoke up, "I agree. We cannot allow the world to see us as weak. Not now, not ever."

Eris stepped forward, worry evident in her expression, "Please, Queen Kylie! Understand that King Grey has been undefeated for a decade!" Eris shouted, her face a mix of worry and exasperation. "I'm sorry, but no matter the consequence, you should not fight him. It is simply too risky."

"Bah! How dare you insult her! She's done nothing but train for years now!" Francis retorted, his frustration with Eris becoming clearer by the second. It was true, at least. I've been training for years, as most rulers have, but my dedication to it has gone to borderline obsession, that vile king served as my fuel.

"I can win. All his matches have been broadcasted, which means I can learn from them." I counted my advantages on my fingers, "People have spent countless hours picking apart his style, devising strategies against every move he's made. I've only been in three Paragon duels publicly, thus he has far less information on my skill set, and his ki pool is so small if I can outlast him I'd win for sure," I finished.

Eris' face slowly fell, her eyes losing the fierce fire they held at the start of the meeting. "I won't be able to convince you two otherwise, will I?" She sighed, her shoulders dropping dejectedly.

"No. I must do this." I answered firmly, leaving no room for a rebuttal. The chair I was sitting on was pushed back by my knees as I stood up and walked away, "Long Live Alveria."

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