Labelled (Naru)

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The word 'Akabane' is now a curse to me. It was a constant reminder on how I'll always be Aiger's shadow; just there without anyone having a second thought. I'm not 'Naru' to the world after all, it only sees me as 'Aiger's younger sister'. I hated it, having my entire identity defined by my relationship with Aiger. Don't get me wrong, I love Aiger, he protects me and looks after me well, better than any other brother I could've asked for, I just wished it wasn't what defined me, that it wasn't a label. I want to be something, be somebody, other than 'Aiger Akabane's younger sister'.

But I guess... that was sort of my fault. I followed Aiger around everywhere and I never really went anywhere, or wanted to do anything, by myself, for example... blading. I watched many beyblade battles, and over time, I realised... I want to do one myself. But I guess... the thought of leaving Aiger or trying out something I wanted to do, scared me.

This happened for so long. I felt trapped. Trapped by my own fear. But not anymore. I want to prove I'm more that 'Aiger's little sister',

Taking out a bey

And with Libera Ninnil's help, I'm going to prove I'm more that Aiger's sister, I'm Naru Akabane.


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