~ Chapter 4 ~

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I spent the whole night tossing and turning. How is it possible that Airport Guy was a part of that group? I still didn't had all that clear who my assignment was going to be but if it was him and his group... I was screwed.
It's not in my plans to fall in love or get into any type of relationship while I'm here, working. But Clarissa always told me that in the matters of the heart, the brain has no say in it. I would be lucky if I was only able to sleep only like 2 hours last night. This is just a great way to start on my first day.

My alarm rang at exactly 6 AM, and of course I just didn't want to wake up. But I made the effort and got in the shower. When I was washing my hair, the image of Min-Gi popped in my head. His smile was very captivating, I couldn't lie about that. I shook my head, I had to concentrate and focus on what I came here to do. I came to style and work on make up styles for a group that upcoming in the fashion and music industry and could break out big someday. No boy, man or anybody was going to be interfering in the path that I was planning for myself here. I get out of the shower, and wrap myself in a towel to do my skincare. Now that my entire luggage had gotten here, last night at 2 am its when the packages had gotten here, very convenient, all my skincare was here as well. Make up, was next and then the first outfit that was going to set me up for the rest of the year at the very least. I decided to do something a little more business casual so I grabbed a dress up blouse with a black corset, the buttons of the blouse were unbuttoned only the first two, then a pair of dress up pants with a flare cut and my louboutins. A black purse with the essentials that I need for today and headed to get a new sim card. At this point it was already 7:30 AM.
"Ah, Soo-Jin great you're up. Where can I get a sim card that works in this country?" I said while moving my phone in my hand.
She was having breakfast at the little isle in the kitchen. "Woah... You look stunning! Uhm, yeah. Just go to the convenience store that's right downstairs and ask for one. And a e-sim, it's just easier that way." She went back to her cereal. Since she was more like a part time employee, and my assistant/roommate, she didn't have to go to work right away and had to go to some classes or maybe she had online classes, I still didn't know.
"Amazing! Do they speak english? My korean is not that fluent just yet."
"Yes, the guy at the register should speak english." I look at the time and I have to get going. I mouth a thanks and leave. I take the elevator and go all the way down to the first floor. I say hello to the concierge as I pass him, and head straight to the convenience store.
Since it was in like the building next door it was easy to locate and not hard at all to find. Since I was already going to buy something, I made my way to get a triangle kimbap and cup of ice with some coffee. It was a really good thing I researched a thing or two before my trip.
"Annyeonhaseyo." I say to the cashier handing him my items.
"Ne. Annyeonhaseyo." After that he talk a little bit more in korean and faster which I obviously couldn't understand. I just opened my mouth. "Ah, you must be Soo-Jin's friend. I'm Dong-Won, I'm a friend of Soo-Jin from school." He said in English.
"Ah good, I'm sorry. It's just that my korean is not that fluent yet. I'm trying to get better." I chuckled in a little bit of embarrasment. "I need an e-sim card that I can activate as soon as possible." I said trying to indicate that I was in a rush but without being too obvious.
"Sure! It would be 5000 won, cash or card?" He said while making eye contact with me. I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. The deepest brown eyes, with a type of haircut that just suited him so well, his smile was so contagious.
"Uhm... cash." I said while looking in my purse and handing him the money. "Wow, this is already cheaper than in the states I tell you." I laughed at my own joke. Stupid.
"Ha, yeah, I guess so. Well, have a good day." He bagged all my stuff and handed it to me.
"Well, it was nice to meet you Dong-Won, I'm Y/N. But now I feel I'm officially late for my first day." I started walking out the door while waving at him.
"Nice to meet you too, Y/N" he waved at me goodbye. I called a taxi on the street, since I didn't have the time to learn how to get there on the subway or bus.
"KQ Entertainment juseyo." I said in the best broken korean I could. At least the taxi driver understood me and I had enough cash in hand to pay for one. After just ten minutes, we had arrived. "Gamsahapnida" I pay and get out. The traffic here is definitely better than in New York. I let out a sigh and get onto the building for the big day in my adult life.
"Hi. I need to get my picture taken for my ID badge?" I already knew that this security guard spoke english so that actually helped a lot.
"One moment please." Again, input some digits in the phone but this time he handed me a card. "This is an entry card. Go to the first office on the left and give it to the person that will give you your ID and take your photo. Then head on to the 10th floor, where Ms. Jung will meet you and start your assignment."
"Wow, ok thanks." I grab the card and scan it on the entrance turnstiles. I head to the first office on the left, where I'm greeted with yet another receptionist. "Annyeonghaseyo" I hand her the card and she just gestures me to follow her. I just do as I am told here, don't want to ruin things here on my first day. She takes me to a room with a pretty white-ish backdrop and a few lights.
"Look here and smile" She told me pointing at the camera. Total high school flashback, as if I was back in picture day. But with a pretty great glow-up since then at least. After a couple of minutes, she hands me my ID with one of those stringy clips that you can attach to your clothes. I clipped it to my pants, that way its on display and in reach.
"Thanks." I didn't exactly knew what to do next so I just headed out towards the elevators, and pressed number 10 to meet with Ms. Jung. But I stopped it from going up when I heard a 'hold the elevator' from the outside.
It was him. Min-gi. In the elevator, with me. It was just the two of us in here. "Thank you." He said to me shyly. All I could do was just glance him a smile and go back to look at the floor. Why am I so nervous? He's just a guy... whom I am with alone in an elevator. It totally doesn't remind me of nothing at all. "So... You're here. Small world." Sure. It wasn't awkward at all.
"And you're here. Thanks for the save at the airport, I didn't get a chance to thank you before." I looked up at him and finally made eye contact. His eyes were incredibly beautiful, his smile shines brighter than a million diamonds. His lips look so full and shiny... it just makes you want to kiss them.
And breaking me from that spell was a little ding. We had arrived to the 8th floor, his floor. "Sure, I guess I'll see you around." Min-Gi got out of the elevator and waved back at me as the elevator doors started closing. I'm not the kind of girl to just daydream about guys I just met. So, this totally caught me off guard. I had arrived to the 11th floor, the styling floor, where I would be a team leader from today on. Ms. Jung was waiting for me at the elevator doors as soon as I was ready to step out.
    "Good, I'll be your help and guide for your first day. Since Soo-Jin has to be in school until 2 in the afternoon, I'll be your help until we can find someone else to take over. Now first, we need to come up with a concept for their new comeback..." She was talking and walking with me guiding me through the office while handing me papers. Most of them were translated to english for my sake, and were prettyeasy to follow through.
    "That's alright. To follow an idea of what the concept is though, I need to listen to at least a demo." I said to her while writing down some notes on the drawn models I had in my hands.
    "That's no issue... just head down to the 8th floor and ask for Hong-Joong, he's the team leader and head producer. He should have some ideas and concepts ready for you. Now this will be your office." She opened the door to a gorgeous, penthouse like office. All decorated to how I would've done it. I was sincerely starstruck.
    "Wow. Ok. Tell the boys that I'll need them in the conference room in 20 minutes to take their measurements. And talk styling points." I told Jung.
    "Right away Ms. Hart."
    "Y/N, please. I don't do formalities like that." I said so she could relax. We looked like the same age anyway so being called Miss, just seems really weird.
    "Then, I'm Ji-Hyeon." She said smiling to me while closing the door to my office. My office. I still couldn't believe what I was saying. I sat in my chair and did some twirls before landing on my desk, as happy as I could ever be.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2024 ⏰

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