The Oracle Ball That God Created - Chapter One.

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The sunrise came over the hills of the little village in northern Wales right by the sea where gabriel was still fast asleep.... yellows, golds, oranges and silvers flooded in the sky and through Charlie's windows... the day turning into a beautiful Summers day with bright blue skies and not a cload to be seen. Charlie woke up to the sound of windchimes calling his name with the winds breeze singing through them. They were made out of dolphins and rushed with the sounds of the sea, calling, calling, calling.. a happy-go-lucky little tune, and Charlie awoke with a smile on his face. he looked out the window but could barely see out of it because the sun was shining so brightly in the sky above. 
Charlie got up and had a shower, changed his clothes, had breakfast and then watched TV for about two hours, and then Tyson came over to his house to play. Tyson was in a wheelchair and found it hard to speak, but Chalie knew everything he wanted to say and always transelated. He told his parents that Tyson wanted lasagnia for lunch with strawberry and almod cake, and that Tyson was sad that he was in a wheelchair and wanted to walk... Charlie's mum and dad's heart went out to the little boy and they made him his special lunch, and after the lunch Tyson had to go back home but Charlie and his family went on a walk in the woods. 
Charlie sped along infront of them with his arms out, flying, pretending to be an airplane, and then he picked up a stick and was hitting at weeds and rcoks pretending to be a soldier hitting enemies down from a forign field and saving lives as he picked up certain very beautiful cracked rocks with the crystals inside them... he collected these. Him and his mum painted pictures on them and sold them at the village market. 
Then, all of a sudden, something caught his eye.... he ran up to a little shrine with a statue of mother Mary holding a candle that was lit, and down by her feet was a large purple crystal ball...shining gold and silver dots inside of it like something magical... and Charlie picked it up and held it and called out to his parents "Look! I've found something!!! Come and see, come and see! Wow! What is this?" he asked himself... he kept yelling "Come and see!" He noticed that behind the crystal ball was a little letter, but he couldn't read what is said very well and so he waiting for his parents to get there... as they were almost walking up to him... he rubbed his hand over the crystal ball, and suddenly... dusty pictures started to show inside the ball and he became a vision in his mind......................................

THE ORACLE BALL THAT GOD CREATED.Where stories live. Discover now