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It was a bright and beautiful morning as the birds were soaring through the sky and soon rest on top of the Rustbucket, which was parked in an RV park. The birds were nuzzling against each other, enjoying the peace and quiet.

Gwen: "I can't believe you!"

Unfortunately, the peace and quiet didn't last long. Inside the RV, Gwen stood before Ditch with a dirty toothbrush which she was holding the end of with two fingers.

Max: "Now, Gwen, what's the problem?"

Ben: [Exasperated] "This time?" He said pulling a pillow off his face.

Gwen: "I cannot believe you used my toothbrush to clean your disgusting shoes!" Ditch on the other hand, didn't seem bothered by her yelling and was simply checking to see if there was any leftover dirt on his shoes.

Ditch: "Aren't you making too big a deal out of this?"

Gwen: "A big deal?! I use this to brush my teeth. Or at least I used to! Now what'll I do if I get a cavity?"

Ditch: "You brush your teeth like four times a day, trust me, you'll live."

Gwen: "You know what this is? You have no respect for anyone or their important belongings."

Ditch: "It's a toothbrush. You can buy another one at the store for like 1 buck." Ditch countered.

Gwen: "That's not the point! Grr! I swear you're worse than Ben sometimes! If that was even possible!"

Ben: "Hey!"

Ditch: "Oh, come on. What have I ever done that was so bad?"

Gwen: [Sarcastically] "Gee, let me think!"


It was nighttime and the Rustbucket was parked outside a local pub. Max looks around the RV for Ditch.

Max: "Now, have either of you kids seen Ditch anywhere?"

The front door of the pub bursts open and Ditch comes out running carrying a big load of cash in his hands while two grown men chase after him.

Ditch: "Start the engine! Start the engine!" He runs into the RV and locks the door behind him. "Go go go go go go go go!" The RV speeds off, leaving the two men to shake their hands at them.

On another day, the Tennyson's stood confused on the sidewalk, seeing the RV missing. however, it soon returns and parks, albeit haphazardly. The window rolls down showing Ditch in the drivers seat, drinking a soda.

Ditch: "Good news, I got fast food!" He said holding up a bag of food. The Tennyson's glare at him. "What?" He asked confused by their upset demeanors.

On another day, Ditch was transformed into Quattro and counting the money in his hand.

Quattro: "60, 80, and Jackson makes 100. Oh, and uh, sorry about your homie." He and the others look to see an ambulance placing a man with bandages wrapped around his head inside. "Homies."

End of flashbacks...

Ditch: "Okay. But besides that one time."

Gwen: "I swear, you are so immature."

Ditch: "That's not me being immature. This is me being immature." Ditch grabs Gwen's hand licks it.

Gwen: "EWW!" Gwen yanks her hand out of his grip. She then tackles Ditch to the floor and the two were now fighting.

Max: "Okay, break it up, you two!" Max picks them both up and keeps the two apart. "Now Ditch, Gwen does have a point. Don't you think you've been a bit reckless lately?"

Ben 10: Welcome to the FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now