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She's pacing the room and searching for something or by the sound of it, someone.

"Where is he?" She asks and I'm tracking her frantic movements.

I was fucking her against that wall when she lost consciousness. No warning, no dilated pupils, or sweat on her face. Just a blink and her head snapped forward and she was dead weight against me. I immediately pulled out of her and brought her to the couch where she laid unresponsive.

It was as if she were in a coma.

So I waited in the chair next to her.

For two hours.

Two hours she was in that state, until she shook out of it screaming. And now, now she paces the room muttering to herself. She shakes her head and combs her fingers through her hair.

"Where did he go? What did he mean?" She whispers. "Why? Why does this happen to me?" She shakes her head and I can see the pain, the absolute horror on her face.

"Baby." I say softly.

"No, no." She whines with a crack in her voice and it splits me down the middle.

She doubles over and then drops to her knees with an ear shattering scream that shakes the walls around us as her entire body bursts into flames. It explodes around us as she rocks her body back and forth, unleashing her pain.

I drop next to her and reach my hand out, feeling the heat of the fire. I touch her and the flames douse, winking out and I see her. I feel her, not just her skin, but I feel the pain, the horror, the atrocities comitted against her, it passes through me.

I see every memory of her pain. From her parents burning to ash in front of her as a child to starving in a cold orphanage, to getting whipped in the same orphanage then sold off like a horse to the guild. The trials she had to go through within that place, almost dying repeatedly, bloody and broken.

I feel it all, I see it all.

I see the pain and the anger.

There is so much anger and resentment not just for the king, but this world.

I have never seen so much darkness inside someone. Not even myself.

Tears streak her face, her eyes are red and puffy. Her voice hoarse. I pull her into my chest and she latches onto me like a lifeline.

"I saw them, I saw them again and they're gone. They're gone." She whispers.

"Saw who?" I ask. She looks up at me under wet lashes.

"My parents." She says lowly. "I saw them, Niko. I forgotten what they looked like." Her eyes stare off, not looking at anything.

"It's okay." I wipe her tear stained cheeks, my thumb caressing her, calming her. I hear her heart slow to an even rhythm again. "Let's get you in bed." I stand and pull her up into my arms.

She holds onto me just barely, not having strength as I walk her over to the bed and lay her down in it. I pull the blanket over her and sit in the chair next to the bed, holding her hand.

"Just get some rest." I kiss her forehead as she closes her eyes.

Her breaths come in pants for a few minutes then she's out, her chest falling slow and steady. I sit back in the chair.

I still have no fucking idea what just happened or why it happened. The only one who can answer that is sound asleep in front of me. I wait a few more minutes of her sleeping quietly before I leave her in her room and return to mine.

The Wrathful Witch KingWhere stories live. Discover now