Prologue: The Birth of Ace.

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"Trinity! Get yo ass in this living room!" my mama yelled. 

 I am tired of living under her roof. She does nothing; she sits around the house all day and does nothing but complain, cough, and smoke. "Yes mama?" i ask in a high voice in an effort to hinder my tone of annoyance.  "Why didn't you clean the dishes? Why is my house a mess? You know, you never do anything I ask. All I ask you to do is clean up the house,  that's all." She complained while taking a hit of her cigarette. "You know, I can't-" 

"You can't clean the house because you're sick." I interrupted. "I know, mom. That's always been your excuse. You're always sick! You can NEVER do anything yourself. Do you know why? Because you are sick!" I screamed. "You're always fucking sick. Get it together mom! I am not your maid! I am your child! You do nothing in this house! I do it all. I cook, I clean, I pay for the bills, I do everything! And you have the nerve to nag about how I do nothing? You know what? I am sick too! I  am sick of your shit! I am sick of hearing how I'm not good enough. I'm sick of hearing how ungrateful you are to my efforts of keeping you happy! I am sick too mom!" I  snapped.

"Oh honey, how dare you!" she shouted with a trembling voice. "I am sick, baby. And you want to get angry with me? You should be angry with yo-self! You made me sick! It was because of you that I lost my husband! It was because of you that I became depressed and started to eat less! It is all your fault, and you have the nerve to get  angry with me?" She questioned

"You've really got the nerve! Like ya damn brother!"She cried. "The both of you are just mistakes and ungrateful bastards. I hate you!... I hate you! Get the hell out of my house!" She yelled in the midst of crying.

Tears started to run down my face. Out of all of the hurtful things that she's ever said, she never told me that she hated me. "How could you mom?" I asked in a low voice. "How could you?" I yelled at her in her face. 

I sat down on the dirty floor crying with my head in my knees. "Good thing he isn't here anymore" my mama trailed off with a smirk on her face. "He deserves to be exactly where he is, six feet under. That is good for him, isn't it?" She laughed to herself. 

I got up and walked to my room. I grabbed my large suitcase from under my bed and put everything that i felt I needed: shoes, clothes, money, blankets, soaps, and lotion. "I am tired of her shit. I can't do this anymore" I cried to myself. I walked to my brother's room and stood in there. I walked to his drawer and grabbed his favorite chains and some other items and walked to the living room.

"Bye mom, I hope you enjoy your life alone. I'm sorry that I couldn't do the things you wanted. I'm sorry that I couldn't be what you wanted me to be.... I'm sorry about daddy." i whispered in her ear.

I walked to the door and looked back at my mom sleeping on the couch, as if the argument before never happened. I closed the door behind me and walked off. I am not sure where I am going, but any place is better than here. 

And from now on, my name isn't Trinity. It's Ace.

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