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(A/N: Hi! I don't know why, but I woke up crying after this one. I didn't really realize how scary amnesia can be until I had this dream. If you know anyone who has/ has had amnesia or you yourself had/have amnesia, this chapter is dedicated to you!)

September 6, 2024

Today was a long day, I visited this old coliseum and had a lot of fun since I love history, specifically ancient history. But, I was tired and really wanted to go to bed.

So, me and my family (A/N: Why do all of my dreams involve my family?) decided to start heading back to our hotel.

I said goodnight to my parents, then went to my room before changing into my pajamas and tucking myself into my bed. As soon as my head hit my pillow, I was out like a light.


I woke up, yawning. But, I noticed something was off. Did I grow? What? Five inches over night? My body seemed to be the wrong size. I started to panic and touched my face. My face felt different, I noticed most of my acne was gone and that I lost some of my fat from youth.

I then quickly noticed that I was in a whole different room. What happened? This didn't look like my hotel room or my bedroom at home.

Maybe It's because I just woke up. I'm probably just tired and still groggy from sleep. So I sat there waiting for my memories to come back.

But they didn't.

I almost started crying right then and there.

I ran down the stairs and tried to find my mom. Moms always know everything. Right?

When I found her, sipping some tea and reading a book on her phone, I quickly ran over to her. I noticed that she looked older. She had more more wrinkles and a few streaks of white were showing on her blonde hair.

"Mom?" I ask, shocked by how my voice changed.

"Yes?" She looks up from her book and notices my confused and scared expression.

"What's wrong?" she asks, concerned.

"I-I don't remember... W-where are we? This doesn't look like our hotel..." I started crying as I rambled. I always did that. Whenever I was doing a good job keeping it together, my mom would ask what was wrong and I would start crying. It was really annoying actually.

"Hotel? We're at home. At our house!" My mom says, really concerned now.

"N-no this i-isn't our home. W-we live in a o-one story house. And, we were o-on a trip in R-Rome." I say. I was really confused now.

"Rome? We went on that trip five years ago. Are you okay?" My mother stands up.

"Five years ago?! We were there yesterday!" I say desperately.

"No, five years ago. Do, you not remember are trip to California last year? Or when you got your dream role for Nutcracker? Do you not remember anything from the last five years?" My mom asks me.

I just stare at her while I try to rack my brain for any memories. I got my dream role for Nutcracker? I thought, and I don't get to remember it? 

I look at my mom and shake my head, crying.

"Okay," my mom says, obviously trying not to panic. "I'm going to call the doctors'. Okay?"

I nod my head before going back to my room to at least try to look presentable, even though I don't know where all my stuff is.

I make it to my room, but get interrupted by my phone ringing on my bedside table. Wait, Phone? I got a new phone?

I make my way to my phone and pick it up. My friend from my old school answered. I honestly didn't think are friendship would last this long, but I answered anyways.

"Hey, Chimmy!" She says. I was kind of surprised she still used my old nickname from sixth grade. But, what surprised me more was how different she now looked. I decided that I didn't want to tell her about what was happening just yet. 

"Hi, Mimmy." I say, responding in her old nickname as well.

She doesn't seem to notice my tear-stained face and just starts talking.

Soon, though I had to go and I told her that I would be back. I hung up then started searching for a bathroom. When I did I looked in the mirror. I looked older. I had more muscles, curves, my hair had highlights in it, I was taller, I just looked so different.

What had happened to me?

(A/N: There you go! I know the nickname thing is a bit weird so I'll give you a bit of back round information:

When I was in fifth grade, my friend -the "Mimmy" one- created a family game called the "Immy family". Everyone in it had a name that rhymed with "Immy". Mine was Chimmy and I was the daughter of Mimmy. 

Anyways, It became this whole thing where you had to take a test to be able to join. We had our own currency, government, and council. We were very strict on who was allowed to join, we would even kick people out sometimes if they didn't come to meetings during recess or tried stealing our babies (our waterbottles) unless they were OGs. We even had a full on war that we called "The Rufflelution"- as in the "Resolution" and "Ruffles", our dog- for a couple of days with another group of kids.

By the time 6th grade was over, basically half the class was or at least wanted to be part of the Immy Family.

7th grade is when we matured and stopped playing family. But, we still called each other by our "Immy" names.

So yeah, just thought I'd say that. This really did happen and was not part of my dream. It is always funny to look back on (I say that like i'm a lot older then I actually am, lol) , especially since I still have a bunch of tests, money, and family photos/drawings of it.

Sorry, geez I rambled a lot! We were some weird kids!

Anyways, if you read this far, you have won my respect. Almost as great as Percy's when Rachel threw her hair brush at Kronos! And, that's saying something.)

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