Chapter 1- A new Start?

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Rosies POV

Walking up towards the gate I look up at the house, it looks so much nicer now that it has a fresh coat of paint on it. The house was designed like a small castle, half of it, however, burned in the fire. The fire that wiped out my family. The fire that destroyed my childhood.

Why the hell did I move nack here? There is nothing to my name, no one here remembers me. But why would they? I am broken, and ugly freak. Graduating early never helped me once, I mean sure it was awesome, but graduating at the age of fourteen... its just rediculous!

Sighing I mentally slapped myself, I didn't need to dredge up memories from the past. None of them were pretty. Once again I look up at the house, picking up my bags I push the wrought iron gate, it groans in protest. Once it was open wide enough for me to slip through I did. Slowly making my way up to the house, I see all these images. Children running around, adults talking on the front porch. Its like déjà vu, like I've seen this scene somewhere before. Then the images and feeling disappeared, leaving me slightly dizzy. It always got like this everytime I tried to remember something from my past, I have no idea why, but it doesn't really matter, over the years I have become accustomed to the feeling.

Walking up the steps, I reach into my pocket, then with a shaky hand I try to put the key in the lock; failing miserably.

"Fuck," I cursed to myself, "come on Rosie, get it together." Trying once more I manage to somehow get the key into the lock. Pushing the door open I gasp. How could this be the same house from outside? It was so... new. Just from my vantage point at the door I could see a flat screen plasma television, it was hung about halfway up the wall, and looked more like a theatre screen then a tv. Looking to the right of the door I see a kitchen/dining area, and walk towards the table. Looking down I see a letter adressed to me. Tearing it open I begin to read;

Dear Rosie,

I am sorry for your loss, here is the deed to the house, although the house fell to you as you are the only living relative, you are only a child my dear. I will need the papers back as soon as possible, otherwise you will lose the house.

Just sign the papers and place them in my letter box, the one across the road and to the left my dear. Please, if you need anything or gat into any trouble do not hesitate to ask me. I do not wish to see a child in pain.


"Well she seems nice," I thought aloud to myself, "the name seems familiar though..." before I could even begin to think of where I have heard that  name before I heard a car pull up the drive.

Ok guys let me know what you think? Is it slow or ok? This was just a random idea I thought of like only an hour ago. But I was wondering if I should even bother continuing with it....

Please don't hesitate to rate, vote and comment.

Love you all

~Xox Asha

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