Chapter one.

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Hey guys! Ready for the first chapter? There are going to be flashbacks throughout the story and different p.o.v.'s. So please bear with me and overlook mistakes, I am still a new writer. Thanks in advanced! Ps. All flashbacks will be narrated in third person. Enjoy!


"Logan! Logan! Look! Hurry before it hops away!!" She ran into the woods with the sun setting a perfect image of yellow, orange, pink, and purple with fireflies lighting the way.

"Aria, it's just a frog. No big deal. Now c'mon let's go back it's getting dark" Jake groaned.

"No, Logan. I wanna see where it's going."

"But..but..but..I don't like the dark Aria."

"Awe. Is Logan Wogan afraid of the dark?"

"Pfft no. Umm. Yes!"

"Stop being such a scaredy cat and let's go!"

Aria grabbed Logan by the hand and followed the frog while the sun still setting only to find a small cottage like building.

"Aria, this is creepy. Lets go back now!!"

"Logan, it's fine. It's actually beautiful. Look at it surrounded by fireflies and covered in white flowers."

The two explored the small cottage and made it their own place for the summer. But it wasn't to last. Logan moved away the end of that summer. He was nine and she was still eight. They moved on and almost completely forgotten eacother. The place that was used for adventure and magical happenings was only to be forgotten.

End of flashback.

*Aria's p.o.v.*

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Great. Another Monday being woken up by another alarm clock. School had only been in for two months and I was already sick of it. They say Senior year is the best but for me this is definitely not the case. I have brown curly hair, weird greenish brownish eyes, i'm an average height, and at average weight. I am definitely not popular in fact I am a socially awkward person who has two friends, makes good grades, hates sports, loves food, and especially hates Monday's. This just means another week in hell for me.

I slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans, sky blue tank top, a white laced shirt, black vans, and threw my hair up into a messy bun. At this point in school I didn't even care if my makeup was done but just to look presentable I lightly done my makeup; I grabbed my bags and walked to my baby which is my navy blue Jeep I had gotten for my junior year.

Laken and Sam always hitch a ride with me to school. Sam is tall with a nice build, dirty blonde hair, and green eyes. Laken on the other hand is short. She has black hair with a redish tint to it. She has beautiful blue eyes and a killer body. I met both of them in eighth grade and I can't remember exactly how we all met but we've been bestfriends ever since.

The ride to school was silent considering Sam had to finish last night's homework before school. He was after all on the football team and couldn't afford bad grades but it wouldn't matter he's smart so good grades come easily to him. Laken was busy texting someone but not quite sure who.

Laken and I were lucky enough to have lockers next to eacother and Sam's was on the set behind us.

"So who were you texting earlier? New boyfriend?" I wiggled both eyebrows which caused her to laugh a little.

"No. It's Jake Miller-"

I cut her off suddenly.

"JAKE MILLER? As in manwhore Jake Miller who probably has a thousand STD's."

Jake was the captain of the football team. He has dated nearly every girl without a brain and probably slept with twice as many. Ew.

"C'mon Aria. He's not that bad. He's actually a sweet guy and we're going on a date this Saturday."

I think I just barfed a little in my mouth. This is completely disgusting. I mean how does this even happen? Wait, no. How did this happen?

"Umm. When did you and Jake start talking?"

"Well Friday night he came over to study with Jeremy because he's apparently failing science and we all know how great Jeremy is...well one thing led to another and-"

Jeremy is Laken's twin brother who is literally a genius in all things science.

"Oh god, you didn't have sex with him did you?!"

I seriously would have ran around screaming my head off if she would have said yes.

"Aria, let me finish. No I didn't sleep with him. After he finished studying we talked for a while and exchanged numbers. That's all."

Before I had time to speak Sam had walked over and basically cut me off before I could even open my mouth.

"Laken, don't think just because I have a locker on set behind you doesn't mean I can't hear. I may be on the team with him but he isn't someone you want to fool around with. I've singlehandedly seen him break more hearts than I would have cared to seen."

Sam and Jake spent alot of time together considering they're both on the same football team. It's basically necessary for teammates to get to know eachother.

"Thank you Sam. See he agrees with me."

I pointed to Sam. Laken just looked at us stupidly but didn't have time to say anything before the bell rang for homeroom. I walked frantically to Miss. Henderson's homeroom. She was a younger teacher and was actually really sweet compared to all the other old and rude teachers. She had short brunette hair and a great personality. I genuinely liked her.

I walked into class and sat in my usual seat near the middle of the classroom getting settled in. All of a sudden I froze unable to move. That's when he walked in...

I really hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. It was great writing it. Sorry it's short but omg I love cliffhangers. Well it's fun for me because I know what's going to happen and you don't. But if you want to find out then keep reading!! Don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks!

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