Chapter two.

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*Aria's p.o.v.*

That's when he walked in. He was extremely hot with an amazing body with a black shirt that hugged his muscles in all the right ways. He had jet black hair and sea green eyes. These eyes I recognized. I knew it was him but couldn't believe it. He has changed dramatically. Does he remember me? Pfft. We were kids of course he doesn't remember me. Right?

"Class, This is our new student Logan Smith. Care to introduce yourself Mr. Smith?"

"Hi everyone. My name is Logan Smith. I lived here once before when I was little but I don't remember much of it. I just recently moved back from England. I'm single and my number is 208-677-889. Ladies feel free to call me."

It was pretty pathetic at how many girls in the class actually wrote down his number. God, talk about desperate. His eyes locked with mine and stayed there for only seconds before taking a seat in the far back row. Wow he's a cocky jerk. I hate cocky people. Ugh.

The rest of my day went out smoothly that is until "queen bee" aka. Adrian Thelmes and her minions showed up.

"Well, well, well. Look at what the cat drug in."

I really hated this girl. She has made my life hell since freshman year and I swear I have never done or said anything to her for her to hate me this much.

"What do you want Adrian." I snarled.

"Oh nothing. I just like messing with you. It really is fun." She eyed me up an down.

"Did someone get her clothes from a garbage can? Because that's exactly what you look like. Nasty ass trash." Her little fugly minions laughed at her quote "joke".

"I don't have time for you bitch. Get out of my way before I have to slap you and I really don't want to do that." I smirked at her trying to pass but the she devil's blocked almost the entire walkway to the back exit.

"Why are you too scared? Like the wimp you are and always will be?"

"No, I just really don't want to get slut on my hand."

This caused her to give me a death glare. But before she could say anything I heard an unfamiliar voice interrupt. Thaks god for interruptions today.

"Why don't you leave her alone. You obviously have nothing better to do." He chuckled.
"Talk about low lifed."

And with that queen bitch walked away giving me a death glare. I turned to thank whoever saved my ass. And of course it's him...Logan.

"H-hi. Thanks for that." I stutter on my words.

"No problem. Its not like I can't help out an old friend."

Logan winked at me and walked off. I blushed violently and walked towards my vehicle.

"Aria! Why are you so late getting here?!" Laken screamed out from across the parking lot.

"Sorry, Queen bitch was at it again." I rolled my eyes and plopped down into the seat.

"Oh, sorry. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Um someone kind of helped me out so it's okay."

I knew she wanted to ask more but she could clearly tell I was too tired to function.

The drive home we quiet while I was mainly lost in thought. It's a miracle we made it back in one piece.

It's not like I can't help out an old friend.

Those words replayed over and over again in my mind. He remembered me after all those years. Its weird how time flies by. Its been nine years since i've seen him and he shows up without a 'Hey, I'm back.' or a 'Hey Aria, it's Logan. How have you been?'

No he shows up unexpectedly and acts like a complete cocky jerk then turns around and saves the day. Oh great.

I could hear my dad and brother, Vincent, downstairs talking with an almost familiar voice. I guess I was just so out of it I didn't even realize anyone was here.

I walk downstairs only to find the one and the only Logan Smith. Great just freaking great. He's everywhere I turn.

"Hey Aria." My father called out after noticing me from the bottom stairway.
"Look who just moved back next door. It's your old friend-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know who it is." I rudely stated.

They just stared stared me.

"What?!" I pretty much yelled out breaking the awkward silence.

"Why are you such a drag Aria. You know you missed me."

Ugh. Haha yeah right. No way I missed...him.

"Yeah I missed you so much." I said sarcastically. "That's why I completely forgot you even existed until today." I laughed evily.

"Awe. I'm so hurt." Logan put his hand on his chest and pouting.

"You think you're all that don't you Smith?"

"Oh I know I'm all that. I mean look at me. I'm just gorgeous."

And despite myself, I actually took the time to look him over. His jet black hair was a mess but he still looked great, his sea green eyes looked somewhat broken, he wore a leather jacket and there was a slight smirk on his face. He was a gorgeous human. Almost perfect.

"Might want to close your mouth. You catch flies that way." He smirked and I instantly became red realising what just happend. No guy has ever had this kind of affect over me. And it sucks big time.
*Logan's p.o.v.*

I stayed for dinner just to catch up with everyone. But I knew it was really only to see Aria. We grew up together and were bestfriends. When I found out we were moving back the first thing that crossed my mind was...her. In a way I wanted to fix the bond between us. She knew me better than anyone and I know I can still trust her. But I have changed. There are things she shouldn't...can't know about me. Besides I wouldn't want to hurt her in any kind of way. It was almost as if I wanted to protect her.

Aria went up to her room to eat. I talked with George (Aria's dad) And Greig (Aria's brother) for a few minutes and excused myself.
I knocked on the door but there was never an answer. I slowly opened the door to see if she was in there.

She was lying across the bed with her earphones in blasting music. I could here it from over here. I plopped down on the bed and she jumped back a little.

"God Logan! What the hell are you doing?" She hit me on my arm and damn it hurt.

"Sorry. Don't hit me again!" I pleaded and covered my arm.

"I just wanted to talk."

"Talk?" She looked confused.

"Yeah, it's the thing humans do to communicate."

That earned me another slap on the back of my head.

"I know what is means but why do you want to talk, Smith."

"Just to catch up. Its been years."

Seconds seemed like minutes, and minutes were hours, and hours were days, and days were months, and months were years. She made time slow down. Her very laugh was still the same but now it seemed so much more beautiful. She had beautiful brown eyes, dark flowing hair, and she was an amazing person.

Wait, what am I saying? No. I don't think about girls like this. Right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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