New start.

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As your in the cab you just sit and think.
As the car pulls up to the instatution you see a dark skinned woman standing waiting.
As you get out the car she says
'Hi you must be a Alissa right
Well let's get inside my name is Valorie

As you walk in she gives you some paper work to sign and you do
She takes you up some stairs and to a big door we walk in and you see many girls some playing with Dolls and a girl yelling that she wants her clothes as you walk to a room that is empty but two beds
'You will get a roommate soon honey just get cozy for know ok'
And she walks out you take out a cigarette and as someone to light it for you as a employee lights it for you then all of a sudden you hear cop cars you look out you window and see a tall woman in a big fluffy jacket and you hope that she isn't your roommate in your head you walk out to the tv room and just sit on the couch and light a cig ass Val walks in with the girl.
The girls eyes go straight to me for some reason and says,
You new..?
Yeah I am
Can I get a cig
Mm Thanks new girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10 ⏰

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