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The city of Deika was an inferno of chaos, torn apart by the brutal clash between the Meta Liberation Army and the League of Villains. From your vantage point on the rooftop, the scene below looked like something from a nightmare. The streets were filled with villains clashing—fire, debris, and destruction carving through the city like a plague. The distant roar of battle rang in your ears as blue flames illuminated the night sky, licking up the sides of buildings and casting monstrous shadows across the ground.

Your breath caught. Dabi?

You narrowed your eyes, focusing on the mass of villains below. Amid the chaos, you could see it clearly—the unmistakable blue flames of Dabi scorching everything in their path. The sheer intensity of his fire was a signal, not just of his power, but of the desperate situation that was unraveling.

You glanced at Kenji, one of your most trusted comrades, standing at your side with a look of tense anticipation on his face. His grip tightened around the walkie-talkie as he waited for your command. But as you surveyed the battlefield, a new idea formed in your mind.

"Hold fire," you muttered, snatching the walkie-talkie from Kenji's hands before he could argue. "We might have a change in plans."

Kenji frowned, looking as though he wanted to protest. His bloodlust was clear, and he was not the only one itching for a fight. "Why? Don't you wanna kill that boss lady or what?" he grumbled, shaking his head.

You couldn't help but smirk. "I do. But..." you replied, your gaze lingering on the distant figure of Dabi, the flames reflecting in your eyes. He was fighting, like always—his movements wild, yet calculated. You had known this was coming. Ever since you'd tangled yourself in this chaotic war, you had seen the way he moved, the darkness that clung to him like a shadow.

But now, in the middle of the inferno, your concern for him gnawed at you.

You handed the walkie-talkie back to Kenji, snapping yourself back into focus. "Keep moving toward the commission's base. I'll be there in a minute."

Kenji raised a brow, clearly not satisfied with the vague response. "Boss, what are you gonna do?" His voice was curious but also filled with concern. Even the rest of your group, hardened and focused, exchanged glances, waiting for your decision.

You clenched your fists, your gaze flicking once more to Dabi, then back to your team. "Don't worry about me. Just get to the base quickly. I'll... check on someone." The words came out more hesitantly than you liked. A part of you hated how entangled you had become with Dabi, how your paths kept crossing despite the missions pulling you in opposite directions. You had spent days working with him, and now, despite the chaos, you found yourself needing to know he was okay.

"After this," you added, trying to steady yourself, "we won't need to work together anymore." The words felt more final than you expected. You looked at your group and smiled, though it didn't quite reach your eyes. "I wish you all the best."

They seemed to sense the weight in your words, and despite their confusion, they nodded, understanding this might be one of your final commands. "Thanks, boss," they chorused in unison.

"Now get going." Your tone was sharper this time, and you watched as the group followed your orders without hesitation. They dispersed, melting into the shadows of the city, heading toward the Hero Safety Commission's base. They had a job to do, and so did you.

The instant they were out of sight, you turned back toward the battlefield, your chest tightening. You scanned the crowd again, but your focus was no longer on the fighting at large. It was solely on him. Dabi. The man whose flames had scorched a path through your life, a path you had never expected to follow.

Without wasting any more time, you leaped off the rooftop, landing with a graceful thud on a lower building. The sound of distant explosions and the faint crackle of Dabi's fire filled the air. You moved quickly, weaving through alleyways and scaling buildings until you were close enough to feel the heat of the battle.

You could see him now, standing amidst the flames he had created, his trench coat flaring dramatically as the blue inferno surged around him. His face was smeared with soot, but his eyes were cold, focused, as though nothing could shake his resolve. His fire consumed everything it touched, and you wondered, not for the first time, how he carried such power without losing himself entirely to it.

"Dabi!" you called out, your voice cutting through the roar of flames and battle.

For a second, he didn't respond, his attention still locked on the enemies in front of him. Then, slowly, he turned his head toward you, his eyes narrowing in recognition.

"You," he muttered, his voice rough but not surprised. "What are you doing here?"

You took a step closer, feeling the overwhelming heat of his flames against your skin. "Checking up on you. What does it look like?" you shot back, your tone casual, though your heart was hammering in your chest. You weren't sure if it was the heat or something else entirely.

Dabi's lips curled into a smirk, though his eyes remained sharp. "Checking on me? Thought you had better things to do, like running back to your little operation."

You folded your arms, ignoring the heat that flared between you both. "My group's handling it. I'm here because..." You hesitated, your words hanging in the air, vulnerable in a way that made you feel exposed. But Dabi wasn't the type to press, and for that, you were thankful.

"You've got some nerve, walking into this mess just to check on me." His tone was mocking, but there was a flicker of something else in his gaze—something you couldn't quite place.

"I guess I do," you replied, stepping forward until you were standing next to him, your eyes meeting his. For a moment, the sounds of battle faded into the background, and all that remained was the heat between you and the man who had, against all odds, become someone important to you. "Just don't get yourself killed before this war is over. I'd hate to waste my concern."

Dabi chuckled darkly, shaking his head. "Don't worry about me. I'm not going anywhere."

The words were a promise, though you weren't sure if it was one you could trust. Still, you nodded, satisfied for the moment. You had your own war to fight, your own battles to face. But for now, this was enough. You had seen him. He was still standing, still burning as brightly as ever.

And so were you.

With a final glance, you turned away, your heart heavy but your resolve stronger. You had chosen your path, and Dabi had chosen his. Where they would lead, neither of you knew. But for now, you would fight—for your brother, for the truth, and for the future that had been stolen from you.

The night was far from over, and the war had only just begun.

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