Chapter 1

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Monday Morning, Georgia woke up to the sound of her alarm beeping, the time was 6:45 am. As she stretched her arms up she suddenly had the dreading remembrance that her parents court date for their divorce was that Sunday, It came over her like rain coming down from the darkest clouds on this earth. Georgia was an only child, 13, with hazel brown hair and beautiful green eyes. She sighed,knowing she had less than a week to decide who she wanted to live with.

Georgia rushed downstairs, following her nose to the smell of cinnamon and raisin porridge, her and her dad's favorite. It was days like today that made Georgia the happiest, those days in autumn where the leaves where changing colour and everything felt just that little be cozier. Except it didn't feel that cozy because of how much Georgia's parents had been Arguing lately.''Any idea who you'd want to live with?'' questioned Georgia's dad, John, who worked as a teacher at a nearby school, ''Not yet.'' replied Georgia '' Still thinking.'', ''well.'' Georgia's dad remarked, '' you have until Sunday to decide.'', ''I know'' though Georgia. She was worried, everyone was. Georgia's grandparents on her Mum and Dad's side had all promised she could come around whenever she wanted, even after the divorce, which Georgia was both Happy and glad about. 

Already running late, Georgia had only just gotten to the bus stop as her bus was pulling up, thankfully her two friends, Cindy and Kelly where already on the bus and had saved her a seat. ''Georgia!'' called Cindy ''Over here!''. Georgia hurriedly joined her friends on the bus. ''Have you heard?'' Kelly asked Georgia, ''Apparently we get to do an extra history trip this year!''. This was news to Georgia, as history was Georgia's favorite subject, she was obviously intrigued, '' What? When? Where? How?'' she quickly Blurted out, Georgia was born and bred in the port City of Southampton, she'd lived there all her life and supported the saints for the same amount of time. ''Portsmouth Historic Dockyard.'' Kelly replied, ''Mr Smith arranged it for next summer using the extra funds the history department had.''. Georgia's entire body filled up with that indescribably joy when you know you can do extra for something or someone you love.

The Bus silently pulled up to the school, as Georgia and her friends got ready to get off Georgia told Cindy and Kelly she'd meet them for house assembly in a few minutes time as she had dropped her bottle. Georgia hurriedly went to retrieve her bottle before thanking the bus driver and making her way to the hall or ''well'' as it was known to the staff because of its lowered area in the center.

Assembly was boring and pointless as ever, resulting in yet another wasted morning. As the bell finally rang, Georgia made her way up to the top floor of English for her lesson with Mr Valera, one of her favourite teachers.In English they focused on poetry and Grammar, as per usual, English ,despite being one of Georgia's Favourite subjects, was surprising boring.  

School finally ended at three, Georgia boarded the bus and joined Cindy and Kelly for their after school ''Gossips and dramas'' as they called it, which today focused on the rumor of a group of bats being buried under the school, Local protests for a day to remember all the women put on trial for being witches and what costumes everyone was wearing for Halloween. '' Well I'm going to be dressing up as Harley Quinn from the Suicide Squad.'' Cindy boasted, '' Harley Quinn?, That's nothing compared to who i'm going as!'' Kelly quickly replied. ''Well, if your's is better who is it?'' Cindy questioned, '' Violet bore-Gard.'' Kelly speedily replied. During all of this Georgia was messaging Her Nana, Josephine, who retired when Georgia was two. She was telling Georgia that she was at the upholstery shop across the road from the bus stop where Georgia and her friends got off and making sure Georgia had had a good day.

''Georgia.'', Georgia spun her head around in a hurry, '' The bus has stopped'' Kelly stated, Georgia glanced out the window before grabbing her bag and getting off the bus. Once Georgia crossed the road to the upholstery shop, where her Nana was. Inside The Upholstery shop Georgia had found her Nana easily, On their way back to Georgia's Nana's house Georgia stayed quiet most of the car ride there. '' Everything alright Georgie?'' Nana questioned. ''I don't know..'' Georgina felt a lump in her throat, knowing  that the chances of her crying where higher if she kept talking. '' Is it the divorce?, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.'' Nana replied. Georgia didn't know what she wanted. In fact she didn't know a lot of things about herself, like how to feel or what she like and what sort of person she would be after the divorce. All she wanted was to make her family proud and she worked so hard to accomplish that , in fact sometimes her teachers said she worked too hard. The car ride home remained silent, well what was left of it, after Nana's question they only had about 5 minutes until they arrived home.

After they got home, Georgia went straight into the living room and  immediately put on the lord of the rings films, which was a franchise her mum had gotten her mum had gotten her into, Georgia's favorite character was Legolas Greenleaf the elven prince of Mirkwood. Nana came in about half way through the film and gave Georgia some cake and orange juice,Before sitting down and doing some knitting. 

The film ended at about quarter past five, which was about the time Georgia's dad came to pick her up, which he did, on time as usual. ''Hiya Georgia.'' Georgia's dad said '' Good day at school?'' Georgia Nodded, she was tired and hungry. 

The Car ride home was peaceful for once, Georgia ran straight to her room once she got home, she knew her stories where waiting for her up there. Georgia slumped on her bed, emotionless and grabbed the first book she saw which was ''The Hobbit'' by J.R.R Tolkien, one of her favorite authors. She lay there on her bed motionless reading like her life depended on it, a feeling in the air of confusion and uncertainty being breathed in by all those who where trapped inside of it.

End of Chapter 1. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14 ⏰

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