what can I say I'm a badass

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(AT CAMP) 2020

The sun rays glint brightly in the puddles formed by the rain. You sigh contently , watching the rain pitter patter creating delightful ripples making you chuckle ,until the ache in your arm throbs. "Please don't tell me you have missing pieces" Cameron sighs, hand on his hip, his tired green eyes running a concerned look over your frame . You grin sheepishly , tilting your head " does a broken piece count?'' , raising your poorly bandaged arm. Cameron sighs , pushing back his chestnut hair from his eyes as he gingerly cradles your arm , bending beside the rainy puddle. "looks like a greenstick fracture " , Cameron rolls his eyes " ok lets hear it , I wonder what flowery excuses you have now?''. You bite your lip and then smile " would you believe me I told you I fell down by tripping ?" Cameron's skeptical eyes are answer enough .You pout " but the ground needed a hug" and this earns a chuckle from him .Cameron has a very serene and calm vibe to him , you could tell him the world was ending and he'd bring a pair of sunglasses , a foldable chair and a Pina colada just to see the sunrise one last time. His long eyelashes rest on his cheeks as he surveys the damage , mentally calculating the recovery time and you get up taking pity on his workload .As the camps official doctor , he was already swamped with patients , all varying from intense injuries to sprains , bruises and cuts . You both reach camp when the sun is setting . Its a quiet night in the barracks and Price has sent another recruit to your room. You've seen and communicated with him from afar but right now your new masked roommate doesn't even lift his gaze from you .

"Ai ..hey mate", you try hesitantly. Its safe to say despite your charming personality your previous roommates simply didn't vibe with having a female roommate . Whatever alpha male entity they were expecting simply didn't suffice with her as a roommate . This time though , you wanted a companion , or maybe at least someone who would acknowledge your presence and maybe if luck was on your side even a friend . He grunts noncommittally , his gaze still fixated on the weapon he's cleaning . The only indication he's even acknowledging your presence is the slight tension in his shoulders .Hours pass and you finally feel his stare as your immersed in your work ." If you're done giving the silent treatment , can we start with introductions "?

His eyes are calculating and cold , but there's a hint of curiosity in them ." You talk too much'' , he says gruffly but there's slightly less hostility in his voice now .

You smile very wide hearing that ,as a certified yapper this wasn't even the beginning of your talking spree. '' Everyone says that " , you tilt your head .

"Everyone?'', he repeats , his voice low ."Or is it just the ones you want to impress"?. He smirks slightly , and for a moment he looks like a normal person with a sense of humor .You smile still unaffected . " Nope" , you reply , the fact that he might be subtly flirting completely flying over your head. " Everyone . That's why they like me and you, will eventually, too'' , you say confidently.

The smirk disappears from his face and he crosses his arms over his chest. "Don't count on it", he replies , his voice cold once more . " I'm not like everyone else ". You almost counter reply with " pick me " but then stay silent. He pauses , then adds " And I don't like people".

" Whatever you say man. You'll see" , you're still smiling and then your squadron commander appears, ruffling up your hair . You groan but don't stop him '' ANTHONY ! FOR THE MILLONTH TIME , STOP DOING THAT TO MY HAIR ". You frustratedly untangle your hair nest while walking out with them to the main training room.

Anthony grins mischievously ,his hazel eyes sparkling as he ruffles your hair once more .Ghost's expression darkens , and he uncrosses his arms , his hands clenching into fists.

"You let him do that ?' , he asks . "Yeah " , you blink your eyes rapidly , appearing as if there's something in your eyes as you rub them . He hesitates but you start whining to get him to come closer . As soon as he gets closer , you pull him in headlock , mentally thanking Cameron for teaching you that trick .
" Just so I can do this" , you smile truimphantly , keeping Anthony in your firm grip. Ghost raises an eyebrow at the scene playing out before him. He watches as you and Anthony struggle , the other man gasping for breath as you hold him in a headlock . Ghost's expression remains neutral , but there's a glint in his eyes as he watches the interaction . Anthony whines but then you trip over your feet and your grip loosens and he picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder when you catch sight of commander .You hiss and Anthony puts you down .You both straighten and cross out your arms behind your back as you both say " Commander".

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