A new life

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The fall arrived, and with it, the opportunity Dylan had been longing for. To go to college. During the summer, Betty and Augustine came home. They couldn't believe what had happened. Dylan shared her good news of moving to California to attend college to gain her teaching degree. Betty and Augustine were returning for their sophomore year. Betty was doing a degree in teaching  IT, and Augustines degree was also in teaching, but she was teaching high school kids.
It was determined that Owen wasn't mentally well enough to stand trial yet. Dylan was OK with that, for now. Her life was shaping up to what she wanted it to be.
Carol drove Dylan to the airport, along with Nico and Owens' parents. She checked her bags in and said goodbye to the people she loved most in the world.
Dylan walked away to get a coffee. She looked over her shoulder and waved at her family.
As Dylan waited for her flight to be announced, she was messaging the bands group chat.
'It will be nice to have you a bit closer, Dyl 😊' Nicole typed.
'Yea. We can hang out properly when you get to LA.' Dan put. Mike said,'We should get tickets to see that band we both like.'
Brendon was unusually quiet. He was reading the messages, but he just wasn't responding to anything.
Dylan messaged him away from the main chat.
'Are you OK,Brendon?' Brendon read the message. He kept starting to reply and stopped. Dylans flight was then called.
'I need to catch my flight, so I won't be able to reply.' I typed into band chat.
'See you soon, Dylan xx' Brendon finally put, in group chat. Dylan turned her phone onto aeroplane mode and headed to the gate. With her carry-on, it contained a book and her headphones.

5 hours later, the plane landed in Los Angeles. Dylan waited until people were moving out of the plane before she stood up. She looked out of the window. It was sunny and clear.
Moving through the airport, Dylan had collected her things and headed to the exit. Betty and Augustine were still in Philadelphia. They were flying back out in a few days. Dylan was a freshman, so she had to do student orienteering. She also had to settle into her student accommodation. She got a wonderful surprise when Nicole was waiting for her.
"Omg!" Dylan said, hugging her friend.
"Welcome to LA!" Nicole said and helped Dylan yo push her luggage trolley towards the pick-up point.
Brendon was stood by the waiting car. He stood up and smiled when he saw Dylan. He opened his arms wide and hugged her. He also kissed her cheek.
"It's good to see you, Dylan." He said as they parted.
"You too." She responded. They had to play tetris to get all of Dylans bags in the trunk. Eventually, it all fit, and they set off for the college.
After registering and finding her accommodation, Dylan put her bags in her room, and they all went to go get some food. Dylan was starving. The plane food wasn't that great.
They pulled into a diner and entered the building. Dylan got another surprise. The rest of Panic and Fall Out Boy were there, too. She hugged everybody and sat down.
"Let me get yours." Patrick said. Dylan looked surprised and was about to argue. "Please."
Dylan conceded.
They all had a great time. Dylan was laughing until her cheeks and stomach ached. It was finally time to leave, though. Her, Nicole, and Brendon got into his car. Brendon dropped Nicole off first. Dylan let out a heavy sigh as they headed towards the college again.
"You ok, Dyl?" Brendon enquired.
"Yea, I guess so." She replied.
"What's wrong?"
"I have had a great afternoon. Now I have to go back to an empty room, on my own. I haven't been alone since, well, since the first time Owen raped me. It's just I associate being alone with that. I am working on it with my counsellor, but it's hard. Especially when I have travelled across the country too."
Dylans head dropped down, and she looked at her hands folded in her lap.
Brendon pulled the car over. He lifted Dylans chin up to look at him.
"Dyl, if you don't want to be alone, just say so. Anyone of us would be happy to spend time with you. Why don't you pack a bag and come to my house?"
"No, Brendon. I couldn't ask you to do that. I wasn't hinting that I wanted to stay with you."
"You didn't ask." Brendon said. "I offered."
"Are you sure that I wouldn't be imposing?"
"I am absolutely sure." Brendon smiled. He pulled back into traffic.
Dylan and Brendon headed to his house after dropping in to college so Dylan could get some things together.
Turning into Brendons driveway, Dylan was surprised that the house wasn't a huge mansion. She said so to him.
"What would I do with a mansion?" He laughed. It's only me and the dogs."
"Oh." Dylan said, nodding. It was then that she realised what he just said. "Wait, just you?"
Brendon sighed and said, "Yeah."
He took the keys out of the ignition and turned towards Dylan. "Sarah and I, we our....." He let out a puff of air. He hadn't said the words out loud yet. He fiddled with the car keys. "I can't say it." Brendon admitted.
Dylan put a hand on Brendons and said, "It's ok." He looked at the gesture and then up at Dylan, maintaining eye contact with her.
There was silence as they looked at each other. Dylan found herself leaning in, as was Brendon. Their lips met. Sparks were flying with their undeniable chemistry. Dylan pulled away first.
"Omg, I am so sorry, Brendon." She apologised.
Brendon then retorted back with, "No, I am sorry, Dylan. I totally crossed a line there." Dylan went to argue back, but Brendon put a hand over hers and looked onto her eyes. "Honestly, it's ok. It was my fault. Come on, let's go inside and I will show you where you are sleeping and we can order takeout. Let's just put this behind us. I know that you aren't ready for anything yet, and neither am I. "
They both got out of the car and went into the house.

Forgiveness    BOOK ONE IN A 3 PART SERIES Where stories live. Discover now