High School Handkerchief

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"Men trust God by risking rejection. Women trust God by waiting."

― Carolyn McCulley

I was a transferee on my 2nd year in High school. It started as a typical day, oh it's my first day on my new school. It was all indifference and a lot of "aloneness"-(if ever there's such a word like that). Of course I'm the new guy from nowhere in a group of people my age who were on the same boat for quite some time. I wasn't really expecting any "welcome parties" (yahoo!), I really just wanted to get through my first day.

Went through my first class..... second class...... third.... (don't worry we only had like 7 subjects that day)..... and finally, seventh! Do you remember the "first day of class" routine of every teacher, like "introduce yourself, describe yourself, etc." just imagine how much of that we went through that day, by the end of the day it feels like we could take an exam of just memorizing names. Well, days passed, and the same routine happened day by day, one school day in my last class, at least this, I remember vividly. Everyone was just too excited to go home when the teacher got all of us staring at a very huge, almost table cloth-sized(that was exaggeration) HANDKERCHIEF! "Hey are we going to study napkin folding and table manners for the 1st day of class? And hey this is not Home Economics Subject!" I can almost imagine this statement running through mine and my classmates exhausted minds that moment. Suddenly madame said, "we're playing a GAME!" (wooohooo! *sigh of relief)

The game was very simple. The class sing a song, the handkerchief gets wrapped around your neck like a scarf with one knot, untie it and pass it on to your seatmate, and it goes on and on and on... when the song ends, the person who has a handkerchief tied around him/her will have a PUNISHMENT! (without the evil laugh) The song was sung to the last note, and great, I was looking for the "one who lost", where it is? where it is? "Oh great, it was on MY NECK?"

I almost heard a millisecond of SILENCE before the whole class *ROARED* and burst in excitement that it wasn't any of them who'll get the consequence. "whatta great first day for me" I could almost hear my mind telling me. Of all else, "why me??" I was singled out cause I'm a newcomer?? Im definitely "in the limelight". If you knew me personally, you know that I don't like the spotlight, I'd rather quiver in one corner and listen to music on my earphones alone without anyone noticing me, and here I am with a handkerchief on my neck. But of course, I could only complain so much. I had to do what my teacher told me to do.

"Lubb Dubb!" that was all my heart told me repeatedly...Will I answer it?? It's such a "huge RISK!" what will they think of me? I stood very slowly, almost like a "slow-mo" effect in movies. The teacher spoke softly and really, I was the most nervous person you'd ever imagine, (I didn't collapse). (Will she ask me to dance in front? Or maybe do some acapella? at least that's kinda tolerable)

She spoke in a curious but kind manner, "Tell us now, who's the girl that you like here in class or who's your crush?"

Man, i was in high school, of course I have one. Though I'm trying to make you remember that it was actually maybe the first week of class, and I'm forced to make someone really "uncomfortable" by telling her that I actually like her. If this was how my school year's started, then this year's gonna be really exciting.

I cleared my throat, "Uhm..." I turned Red. I was scanning the whole room. I saw her. I knew her name, I told everyone that she was the "one". (The class burst again in excitement and curiosity, and teasing, and fun! and all sorts of emotions)

These words couldn't measure to the amount of time and courage I had to pull through just to announce that to everyone, "hello, I'm a newcomer and I'm telling all of you that I like her" what? who's a person in his right mind to do that?? I mean, yeah, for some it might just be "not a big deal", but of course for me, "it was a big deal". The bell rang(oh wait, our school doesn't have a bell)...The class ended. We all went home. They all went out happy and entertained by my "scene". My mind just told me these two statements: "awkward" and "you're doomed" -__-

Really, what will she think of me after that??? Can anyone get away with that? I'm sure after sometime, they'll all forget what just happened, but I don't think she won't. She was put on the spot, without her permission. will she ever forgive me for that?

Yes the following days didn't come off as easy, lot of awkward moments and a huge amount of "not talking to her coz i was shy" moments. But after some time we actually got along, we became friends, real good friends. To my surprise, the girl introduced me to God, never gave up on me. taught me how to read the Bible. Inspired me to reach my dreams. Helped me through my fears. Reminded me to smile. And encouraged me to love. She will always be one of the people that I will owe my life to.

Many years have passed now, I'm now all grown up, and equally so many things I remember about our friendship and relationship is now popping in my head, I have learned so much from this girl from that "handkerchief day" to this very moment. We went through a lot together. Yes we also got tested quite some times but, I'm just happy I met her.


(To Be Continued)

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