Will Kylie be Laylas friend or not

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It was the next day they went to homeroom class layla and kylie were in the same class kylie saw layla finally layla found out kylie was looking at layla, layla turned around and looked sad and very upset well the teacher came in and started to begin L.A the teacher was talking in class and said that they wanted to move the seats around layla felt a little weird well then layla ended up with kylie kylie was like yay and layla was like no why was this going to happen well when they sat while class was about to begin well kylie was so despret to talk to layla well then it broke out kylie started crieng and tolled layla "im so sorry I shoudve never done that im very sorry" layla said I never shoudve been your friend if you treated me that way. Kylie at lunch went to popular girls and said "I hate you" you made me and my friend so upset why would you do that. All the popular girls looked all weird and felt weird and said okay and turned around and there not friends anymore kylie went over to layla layla saw what happened and said "I want to be your friend again I never shoudve denied you" kylie said it was never your fault it was mine.

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