Bottled Up Feelings (SunWon)

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Sunoo has always been the only F in Enhypen, while the rest of his members were all T's. F for feeling and T, thinking. Naturally he would be the most emotional in the group because of how his emotions flow, and his members were always there for him no matter the cause. At times the members cried too but it was pretty rare. However, the person that everyone has never seen cry was Jungwon. The young boy was very good at holding his emotions rather than expressing them because he rather doted on others. In general Jungwon has always put others before himself. Sunoo tends to notice these types of things easily, so he gets pretty worried about Jungwon whether he was actually fine or not.


"Hm?" Jungwon turned over to see Sunoo looking at him, a little concerned.

"Take it easy okay? You seem stressed these days" Sunoo put his hand over Jungwon reassuring the younger

Jungwon squeezes his hand and smiles, "I know hyung don't worry."

The members were on their way to their interview, bright and early at 6:30 am. Clearly all still out of it, and feeling super drowsy. Jungwon had stayed up yesterday, because he had extra meetings in the company, so even if he is completely drained at the moment he won't admit it, that's just who he is.

"You can sleep if you want, I'll wake you up when we arrive" Sunoo kept staring at Jungwon, clearly worried about his little leader.

Jungwon hesitates for a moment but gives into the request. "A little nap wouldn't hurt I guess.." Sunoo smiles at his response

Jungwon leans on his hyung's shoulder, still holding his hand, and closes his eyes to go into dreamland. Sunoo carefully adjusts himself to make both of them comfortable, and he softly gazes at his precious dongsaeng. Sunoo rubs his thumb over Jungwon to give some comfort knowing he definitely needs it. He has always had a huge soft spot for the younger, as he found Jungwon to be super cute and loving, so at rare times like these he has the tendency to give immense care to Jungwon.

As the car stops the members look at Sunoo to wake up Jungwon, he softly slides out his hand from the younger's grasp, and shakes the younger to wake up.

"Jungwon-ah, we arrived" Sunoo spoke softly

"Mmm hyungie" Jungwon groans still half asleep

Sunoo's heart melt at the sight of a whiny Jungwon, and at the nickname he gave him

"Mhm lets go wonie, we are here" Sunoo spoke softly as he lifted up Jungwon from the chair to make him sit up.

Jungwon forces his eyes awake, while dozing around his surroundings. "Okay.." he whines a little.

They get out and Jungwon almost trips a little as he exits out the van, clearly still sleepy.

"Jungwon-ah careful there" Jay quickly says as he reaches for Jungwons arm

"Sorry" He replies, as he runs his hand through his hair.

They continue making their way into the building for the interview, while Jay just holds Jungwons hand to secure the leader. As they entered the studio, they were greeted with a bunch of staff and the set where they were to be filmed. Jungwon squinted his eyes as the bright white lights shone throughout the room, it was already starting to give his head a migraine, but he just ignored it.

"Welcome guys, I'm so glad to have you guys here!" The interviewer greeted them on set

"Thank you and so we are thankful for you guys inviting us. We really appreciate it" Jungwon responds as the leader.

"Wow Jungwon, you look much better in person than Imagined, haha." The interviewer comments

"Oh haha thank you" Jungwon responds a little uneasy but acts like it's nothing, however the members notice.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10 ⏰

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