


Echoed around the room,he stood in,as if countless selfs were moving around him,

And looking at him with questions..


He laughed out aloud..

What why?

He asked..

And watched the rotating selfs stop..

If he was a child,then he would have broken countless times by now..

But he was not..

He was an old man, waiting for the moment to catch someone..

What happened?

What why?

He asked again,to the selfs in the rotating room..

And punched one..

Watching it crumble,he smiled..

Old friend,I am the principal of the school where you are barely admitted.

He thought yet walked out..

Of course he took his own sweet time,he was busy,it was good to have a breather..

He felt good to rest,to let out his emotions..

He was not unfeeling great gods..

He was feeling..

He felt..

It was good place for a little introspection..

And write few letters to his little darling..

And to simplify the complex layers of protection he wished to build around..

He was actually learning to self control,control his own strength..

Wiping the blood in his hand,he walked out,towards the exist..

There were more to come..

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