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"P'... P'Freen.... Ahh my head...."
Becky opened her eyes
"Nurse, nurse she woke up"
It was Kirk's voice
Someone came and held Becky's hand
Becky's eyes are squinted because of the bright lights in the hospital room
"Darling it's me. Your aunty Pohn"
She caressed Becky's hand
"Ahh... what happened?"
"Nothing happened darling. You just fainted a little. The doctor said that you got too excited too fast. And your babies are fine"
"Babies? Yes my babies ahh... I... I won. We won... my... our babies are saved from him"
"Yes darling you won. Your babies are all okay now. You have nothing to worry. Aunty Pohn will always be there for the babies"
Becky smiled
"Thank you aunty"
Aunty Pohn kissed Becky's forehead
"Becbec you scared us"
Yuki came and hit Becky's hand gently
"Yuki... thank you for staying by my side"
"What can I do. You are my best buddy noh"
"You are stuck with me for life hah ha"
"Urghhh I know right. But hey Kirk is the one who you should thank. He was quick to catch you as you fainted. If he didn't catch you, something bad could have happened to all three of you"
"Hah ha. Not all three, all four of us. Do you think Freen will be able to sit and watch us getting hurt?"
Yuki's smile faded
She nodded her head
A tear came in Yuki's eye
"Heyyy..... don't cry. Why are you crying?"
Becky pouted and hugged Yuki
"Nothing. I'm just... emotional right now.
Exeuse me"
Yuki broke the hug and went out of the hospital
"Kirk, what happened to Yuki?"
Becky asked Kirk, who is unusually silent
Aunty Pohn tapped Kirk's shoulder and nodded and left the hospital room
"Where's everybody going?"
Kirk closed the door and walked towards Becky
He sat next to Becky on the bed and held Becky's hand
"Kirk, what's going on?"
Becky asked suspiciously
She has a worried expression engraved
"Becky listen, you won the trial and that basted is out of your lite permanently. So now you have nothing to worry about. You have two beautiful souls growing inside you. Do you understand?
Do you understand how important it is that you stay safe for all of your sake? Those two unborn babies depend on you. But know this, you can always depend on all of us, whenever you need.
Okay? I'm going to be by your side and protect you like an older brother protects his younger sister"
Becky is staring at Kirk's eyes
"Kirk you're scaring me. Where is P'Freen? Did something happen to her? Talk to me Kirk.
Kirk sighed
"Becky, when the jndge announced that Nop isn't the father, you fainted"
"Hmm... that was strange. OR... KIRK DID YOU? DID YOU PLANT FAKE EVIDENCE?"
Becky gasped
Becky continued with a smile on her faee
Kirk took a deep breath and mnttered
"No Becky I didn't"
Becky's face turned into a serious expression once again
"What do you mean? That isn't possible. I only slept with Nop and Freen. I swear to you Kirk, I'm telling you the truth. And I never swear"
"I know darling, I know. Listen... everything happened so fast. And we think that Freen misunderstood the whole situation. She thinks that you cheated on her"
"But Kirk, I didn't. I'm telling you. Please believe me"
"I do Becky. I believe you. And I know that you didn't cheat on her because I know the biological parents of these babies"
*What are you saying? You say you believe me and then you say that there's a biological father who isn't Nop. Please Kirk don't play with my emotions. I'm sensitive now"
"Becky listen, please let me finish explaining.
You both are the same Urghh... you both are lucky that you have a brother like me. Now listen to me. There's an ancient book written at the beginning of time. In that book there was this one chapter that explained the possibility of permanent human-vampire connections. Do you remember when we assumed that Freen started transforming into a human when her feeding cycle changed?"
"Umm yes...."
"Yes, so I was trying to figure out what's wrong with Freen with an old wise woman. And we didn't find anything other than one conspiracy theory abont this. We believe that Freen was able to give life to your egg"
Becky raised an eyebrow
"Yes darling. But it was just a theory. We believe that she lost her hunger because the bond between you and her was made permanent with the babies. That's why she remained half-vampire. All this time I was trying to prove it.
But then the trial happened and I had to make a decision. So that's why I asked for a DNA test.
Little did everyone know, I went to the hospital and gave them a second set of DNA for the test.
So they gave us two results. Nop's result was sent to the judge and I received the second result. But I only received it now. Here you go, I didn't even open the envelope"
"Okay Kirk"
Becky took the envelope from Kirk's hand and opened it
She started reading the letter
"Yes Becky, these are yours and Freen's babies.
Aren't you happy?"
"Becky, Freen is missing after the incident. She threw her phone and left the country. So we can't trace where she went. But give her some time okay? I'm sure she will be back soon. She can't be without you. I know that"
Becky started crying
"No Kirk, please find her, she will harm herself, please Kirk"
"Don't worry Becky, I already started looking for her, don't cry please. I need you happy and healthy now more than ever. I promise you, she will be back soon"
"Will you promise me?"
"Yes, give her some time"
"Okay Kirk, I will wait for her"

FreenBecky - An erotica - A vampire love storyWhere stories live. Discover now