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"What is this?" the woman shrieked, her voice echoing in my ears as she flashed photographs of her man with another woman. The scene was gripping—he remained composed, guilt flashing behind those calm eyes as he uttered the words that made my heart race: "I can explain. It’s all a misunderstanding."

"Like seriously?" I whispered to myself, leaning closer to the screen, completely enmeshed in the emotional whirlwind. The moment escalated—the woman stood up and hurled a glass of water at his face; her fury was palpable. I gasped dramatically, utterly enthralled by the betrayal blooming on screen. Yes, screen. I was watching a drama. Just as the tension twisted tighter, a voice suddenly interrupted my focus.

"This is the last call for passenger Kim Ishika, booked on flight 352A from Seoul, South Korea to Rajasthan, India. Please proceed to gate 4 immediately. The final checks are being completed, and the captain will order for the door of the aircraft in approximately 5 minutes. I repeat, this is the final call for passenger Ki—"

Oh, shoot! Panic surged through me. "Coming, coming! I’m here!" I shouted as I sprinted toward the counter, giddy from the sudden adrenaline rush. My heart raced not just from the urgency of the boarding call but also from the drama still playing in my mind.

I’m Ishika, Kim Ishika. My name, a perfect blend of my Korean and Indian heritage, often intrigues people. I rushed to the counter, fumbling with my passport and boarding pass amidst deep breaths meant to calm my accelerated heartbeat. The staff member gave me a knowing look, one that felt like a silent reprimand for causing a commotion.

I passed her my documents, all while the faces of the other passengers watched with mild irritation and curiosity. Was I that much of a spectacle? I tried to suppress a grin—flushed with embarrassment.

"This way, ma’am," the staff directed, leading me toward the boarding area. I stepped onto the plane and immediately felt the weight of a hundred eyes on me, as if I were the star of a most perplexing show. "What the hell are you doing, Ishika?" I reprimanded myself quietly. "Stop smiling like an idiot and sit down!"

I hurried down the aisle, making my way to my assigned seat—my moment of grace shattered as the air hostess stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Ma’am, I apologize for the inconvenience, but there’s been an issue with the seat management," she said, her forehead adorning beads of sweat that seemed to mirror my rising frustration. "Your seat has been double-booked, and unfortunately, someone else is currently seated there."

Bravo, Ishika, just brilliant! "I paid for business class!" I snapped, trying to project some semblance of authority, though I knew well how ridiculous I must have sounded. "I expect to sit in business class!"

She offered another apology, but her words fluttered uselessly in the air like a balloon slowly deflating. "I understand your frustration, but we need to board the other passengers. We will issue a refund for your trouble."

"Refund?" My anger pulsed again, igniting a fire within me. It wasn’t about the money—it was about principle, about wanting to know my worth was acknowledged. "This behavior is unacceptable. I booked early for a reason!" My voice maintained as much calmness as I could muster, but the orchestra of disappointment and agitation played fiercely inside me.

"Ma'am, I truly apologize, but we need to wrap this up…" The urgency in her voice heightened. I felt a swell of rationale and frustration. There was no resolution at hand, and her insistent politeness only aggravated my ire further.

Ultimately, left with little choice, I relented. "Fine! I’ll sit in the economy!" I replied, pressing my lips together to maintain my composure, but inside, a tempest raged. The flight attendant’s smile seemed too cheery for my mood as I trudged down the narrow aisle, dodging elbows and oversized bags, my heart pounding not just with frustration but also with excited anticipation. I had to be on this plane, desperately, because this wasn’t just any flight; it was the last one to India today. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 || 𝗝𝗝𝗞 𝗫 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗙Where stories live. Discover now