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After freshman week, it was then officially the start of the semester. Dylans classes were interesting. Her maths and English skills were exquisite, so taking those classes wasn't as difficult as she first anticipated.
Dylan had requested not to have a roommate because of what she had been through. She had to submit evidence as to why.
She soon made a few friends in her class, though. Annabel, Taylor, and Troy. Of course, there was Augustine and Betty, too.
Dylans workload was still a lot, so any free time she had she was busy studying. She did hang out with her friends. After the kiss with Brendon, she tried to avoid him for a while. She made sure that when they did hang out, it was in a group setting. Brendon felt a bit awkward around Dylan now. He thought it was because of that kiss, but he quickly realised that he was falling in love with her. Brendon kept his distance, though. He wanted to be sure this wasn't rebound from Sarah.
Dylans college life was everything she had expected it to be, plus more. She went to mixers and different college events. Soon enough, it was coming up to Thanksgiving. Dylan wasn't going home for it. It was a long way to travel for a couple of days, plus she didn't have the plane fare. She was a poor student, although she ate well. Her band friends would take her out on a regular basis. Either as a group or individually.
It soon got around that Dylan had these people as her friends. She soon realised that some people were just creeping to get an introduction to them all. The only friends she did introduce were Betty and Augustine, who were both totally cool. Or so they seemed. Dylan knew them both well enough. She knew they were both totally fangirling inside. Betty mainly for Panic and August for FOB.
Once Thanksgiving had been and gone, the coursework went up a notch because there had to be an end of semester essay submitted about any topic they wanted. It could be a personal experience or fictional. Dylan felt ready to write down her trauma. So she wrote a tough version and then typed it out. She let Betty and Augustine read it, then her other college friends. Annabel hugged Dylan after she had read it, tears in her eyes. Once she had their feedback, she went to the library and printed copies off for her band friends. She sealed them and put each person's name on the front of the envelope.
Dylan handed the essay in to her college English professor, Lydia Ray. As everyone filed out of the class, Lydia asked Dylan if she could speak to her.
"Did this really happen to you?" Lydia asked her. Dylan nodded.
"Nearly a year ago."
"Ok. I didn't think this was fictional. I wanted to make sure, before I made a recommendation to the head of this department. "
"Recommendation? What for?"
"I want to get this commissioned for a charity for women who are abused by their spouse or partner." Professor Ray explained. Dylan furrowed her brow. She wasn't sure if she was OK with this. Professor Ray must've sensed Dylans apprehension.
"Dylan, nothing will happen unless you are ok with it. Discuss things with your family and friends." She smiled, and then Dylan left the building.
She got back to her dorm and flopped onto her bed. She sighed and stared at the ceiling. Dylans phone vibrated in her bag. She was tempted to leave it. She could do with just being alone right now. By the time Dylan made the decision to answer her phone, it stopped vibrating. Problem solved. She got off her bed and got on with doing her work.

Friday came around, and Dylan was going to a bar with all of her friends. It was her birthday. 22 years old. What she didn't know was that it was an actual party. She walked into the bar with Betty.
"SURPRISE!" Everybody said. Dylan smiled. She went and hugged them all.
"You guys!" She said to Annabel and Troy.
Pete came over to Dylan and kissed her on the cheek.
"Happy birthday, Dylan."
"Thanks, Pete." She said as he handed her a card. Taylor was fangirling over Patrick right now. Dylan giggled at the way she was staring over at him.
"Would you like me to introduce you?" She asked her.
"W-w-what? N-n-no." She stuttered, blushing. Taylor didn't have time to react as Patrick walked over and hugged Dylan. She then introduced Patrick to Taylor and went off to mingle. She could feel a pair of eyes on her as she went around the room. Dylan would look around but couldn't see who it was. She shrugged it off and had a drink with Nicole and Augustine. Then, someone had the idea of buying shots. That was all Dylan remembered from her birthday party. Shots.
Dylan moaned and turned over in bed. As she put her arm across the bed, she felt something.....another person? Her eyes flew open. Wait, Dylan realised that she wasn't even in her own bed. She lifted the comforter a little bit, and she was in boxers and a t-shirt?
Turning her head slightly, she could see dark hair and a naked back. Somewhere in the house, she could hear moaning. Where was she? Her brain was so foggy right now. Dylan needed to use the bathroom, but she wasn't sure where it was. Checking the time, it was 9.30 am. She got out of bed and went to find a bathroom. As soon as Dylan opened the bedroom door, she knew where she was. Brendons house. She soon found a bathroom and then went to the kitchen to make coffee. Dylan spotted her bag on the kitchen island. She rooted through it for her phone and charger. Her phone was flat, so she plugged it in to charge it. As the coffee was brewing, Brendon came through in a shirt and pj bottoms. His hair was messy, and he was wearing his glasses.
"Morning,Dyl." He had the most amazing sexy morning voice.
"Morning B. What happened last night?" Dylan laughed.
"Oh, you ended up coming back here with us."
"Yea, me, Taylor, and Patrick." Brendon explained. Dylan shook her head, trying to get her brain to work. Brendon went to a cupboard and got 2 mugs out.
"Ohh, so why was I in your bed?"
"You asked if you could."
"Oh, OK." Dylan said, sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar.

Forgiveness    BOOK ONE IN A 3 PART SERIES Where stories live. Discover now