A year

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After the holidays, Dylan was feeling anxious about January and that one year anniversary of the brutal attack. She wasn't sure how to deal with it.
'Hey guys.'
'Hi Dyl.' Joe said.
'I need some advice.'
'Sure,what's up?Nicole asked.
'It's coming up to the one year since I was attacked. I don't know how to feel or what to do on the actual day.'
'It's your call, Dylan.' Mike typed.'Do you want to acknowledge it?'
'I don't know, Mike. I think I do, but not for the full day. I would like to maybe celebrate how well I have healed over the past year or something.'
'How about we meet up and acknowledge, then go out and celebrate?' Nicole suggested.
'That's a good idea, Nicole.' Andy put.
'Dyl, you have a think about what you want to do.'
'OK, thanks, guys. 😊 '
Dylan then went to her next class. She was with Troy in this class. Science. That's the thing with being a grade school teacher. You needed to wear many different subject hats. They were doing experiments that were on the nationwide elementary school curriculum. Troy and Dylan were lab partners.
Annabel said that Troy likes Dylan as more than a friend. Dylan dismissed it, but she had noticed small things Troy did for her that he didn't do for Annabel or Taylor.
Dylan was nowhere near ready for any relationship whatsoever, and Troy knows this. She had told them about the kiss with Brendon and how it scared the shit out of her.
The 2 of them got on with their tasks, and the result was what was expected. Some others in the class messed up a little.
At lunch, they all met up and discussed what Dylan could do on the one year anniversary.
"Drinks?" Betty suggested.
"Dinner?" Annabel piped up.
"Arcade?" Troy said. Dylan looked at him.
"That's a maybe."
"The beach?" Augustine said. Dylan clicked her fingers.
"Yes! The beach!"
"Definitely the beach then?" Annabel asked as she took her phone out to message the group chat. Dylan nodded her head.
She also had an idea of how to acknowledge what happened, too.

Two weeks later, the anniversary dawned, and Dylan woke up. She laid in bed for a few minutes. She got out of bed and used the bathroom, and brushed her teeth.
Dylan had 2 morning classes today, and that was it. The whole gang was going to the beach this afternoon. There was something that Dylan wanted to do there, alone.
Dylan made sure that she had everything she needed for the beach. Brendon was picking her up and the other 3 up. Betty and Augustine had classes, so would join them all a bit later. Brendon hugged Dylan as she got into the car.
"You ok?" He asked.
"Meh." She responded. Brendon squeezed her hand, which didn't go unnoticed by Troy. Taylor and Annabel glanced at each other.
They set off for the beach. When they arrived, Fall Out Boy were already there. Dylan got out of the car and received hugs from them all. Patrick hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek.
"We love you, Dylan." He said into her ear.
"Thanks, Trick." Dylan replied and pulled away from the hug. They decided where would be a good place to set up and walked on the sand to it.
Dylan was very quiet. Brendon slung an arm around her. She looked at him and half smiled. Brendon side hugged her and kissed her temple.
They arrived at their spot and set up camp. Once everyone was settled, Dylan walked along the shoreline alone. When she thought she was far enough away, Dylan screamed and cried. Grieving for her old relationship and the love she had shared with Owen. How it all got fucked up.
When she had finished Dylan got a letter from her pocket and read it out loud.
"Dear me, look at how far you have come from a year ago. Hold onto this feeling of accomplishment and let it drive you forward. Let it help to feed you fire and passion. Let it feed you with the comfort and knowledge to pursue a new relationship.
Be the person YOU want to be, not what others expect you to be.
Most importantly, love yourself before you love anyone else.

Love Dylan x"

Dylan sighed and put the letter in her pocket, and walked back towards base camp.
"You ok?" Annabel asked her. She nodded and sat down on a beach chair. Troy was staring at her. Dylan looked up and smiled at him.
The weather was warm and sunny. Warm enough for a bathing suit. Dylan didn't feel confident enough to wear a bikini yet, so she opted for a one piece. Her, Taylor and Annabel walked towards the ocean, laughing and joking as they walked.
They paddled in the see then Andy, Mike and Brendon joined them. Dylan pushed Brendon over into an oncoming wave. She laughed so hard as did everyone else. Brendon got up and walked towards Dylan. She backed away, giggling. Brendon picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. She was yelling and cursing at Brendon. He unceremoniously dumped her into the path of an oncoming wave. She was soaked. Standing with her hands on her hips, Dylan tried to stay mad with Brendon, but it was impossible.
"You look cute when you are mad, you know?" He said quietly.
Dylan looked at him her mouth agape.
After some fun in the ocean, Dylan went back to get dried off as everyone else headed towards the ocean. Dylan got her towel and dried off. She got her book and earbuds out. Draping her towel over her legs so she didn't get cold. Her foot tapped along to the beat of the song she was listening to. No tears left to cry by Ariana Grande. As she was immersed in her book and music she didn't realise that Brendon had come back from the ocean.
He tapped her arm lightly. Dylan looked up from her book and looked at Brendon, smiling.
"Yea, B?" She asked.
"Do you want a drink?"
Brendon opened the cooler and produced 2 capri sun. Dylan burst out laughing. Brendon grinned.
Everyone else came back and Betty and Augustine arrived too.
The rest of the day was wonderful. All Dylans friends toasted her year long recovery and to the next year of it too. They sat around the fire pit and toasted marshmallows.

Forgiveness    BOOK ONE IN A 3 PART SERIES Where stories live. Discover now