Chapter 5

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"WHAT?!" I scream out loud.
Two hours?! Oh my gosh! I'm going to be late for the ball!
I scramble back to the house to find my mother just about to call me in.
"Where have you been?" she asks. "You are going to be late!"
"I know!" I yell.
"I will have to get changed there, now let's go!" I shout from my room, as I grab my mask and dress from the hook on my door.
I fly down the stairs and follow my mother to the car, where she rips out of the driveway like a NASCAR driver, and speeds off down the empty gravel road at a speed that must be far from legal.
We slow down to legal speed in town, but just barely, and run to the salon.
My mother had called ahead and explained enough for them to know that we were in an EXTREME rush, and we only had an hour and a half for this makeover.
Tiff's friend, who I now know as Mariah, works her magic as quickly as possible with no questions asked.
There are at least ten people working on me at the same time, and it is far beyond chaotic.
My mother shows them the colour of my dress, and they comply with nail polish and eyeshadow that match perfectly and still complement my skin.
They finish with ten minutes to go until the dance officially starts.
Mariah comes with me into their dressing room that is usually used for robes, and has me in the dress in under two minutes.
I am extremely impressed.
She has obviously done this before.
She finishes lacing me up, and we come out to everyone staring at their handiwork.
My mother gasps, and I can see her eyes get misty when she sees me.
I smile and blush uncontrollably.
"Well, so? How do I look?"
Mariah turns me to a full length mirror.
"See for yourself, my dear"
I gasp loudly when I see myself.
Forget everyone else, I don't even recognize myself!
My hair is half up, with intricate braids lacing through it, and curls cascade down my back in an elegant waterfall of smooth hair. My firey streak is clearly visible in one of the braids there to show it off.
I actually have makeup on, which is EXTREMELY rare for me. Not a ton, just eye shadow and liner, mascara, a hint of blush, and lip stick, since lip gloss is so sticky and gets on everything.
The entire team that worked on me high five each other, congratulating each other on awesome work.
I tear my eyes from the reflection I don't recognize and look at the group.
"Thank you guys so much for this! I would NOT have made it to the ball without you!" I gush, and we all group hug.
I hear a gasp, and everyone looks up.
"Seven minutes! Your going to be late! Now go! Go!" Mariah says, shooing us off with a huge smile on her face.
"Thanks again guys!" I yell as I run as best as possible in my gigantic dress.
"Wait!" somebody screams.
I turn around to see one of the team members holding my mask.
I run back.
"You can't go to a masque ball without your mask, now can you?" He chuckles, carefully tying it on and hiding the string expertly in my hair.
"Now fly, Cinderella, fly! Go to your ball!"
I laugh as the team waves me off and I wave back, flying off to the car as fast as my dress lets me go.

By the time we get to the place (really, more like small castle) that the school uses for the balls, everyone is already inside.
I tell my mom where to meet me afterwards so that nobody sees me leave.
She drives off, and I take a deep breath.
This is going to be quite the entrance.

I open the huge doors, only to be met by another huge set of doors and two "guards" at the entrance to the dance, who I can see are just the math and English teachers from grades ten and twelve all dressed up.
Music is playing behind the doors, so I can tell the dance has just started.
The teachers just stare at me as I approach, and I immediately get a huge sense of self-consciousness.
I approach, and the one on my left snaps out of it, and asks for my animal for an announcement.
I simply tell him "Phoenix"
I guess they are really springing for the whole 'masked identity thing', because he doesn't ask for my name.
His jaw drops when I say this, probably for one of many reasons that this may happen a lot tonight.
I claim to be the Phoenix.
I am a girl.
Not to mention, Mariah and her team's AMAZING job they did on me!
He nods to the other guard, who slips in the door.
I hear the music stop, and some corny trumpet music play.
"Announcing the arrival of the Phoenix!"
I hear a sudden burst of whispering, probably mostly of what I will look like since everyone thinks the Phoenix is a guy, and then the doors open.
Knock 'em dead, honey My spirit whispers. I smile and take a step.
I walk out to the balcony overlooking everyone, and it is dead silent.
Literally, you could hear a pin drop in here. Every eye is trained in me as I stop at the railing and look down at everyone.
Just as the the silence starts to get unbearable, there is a burst of whispering as everyone talks at once.
I catch bits and pieces, mostly what I expected, things like "girl" and "not possible" and even "imposter", but I was prepared to hear all this, so I just smile and descend the huge staircase.
I observe the room, noticing that everything is very elegant, from the darkly coloured drapes cascading over all the walls and roof, to the masks covering everyone's faces. This was very thought out by someone.
The music starts up again, and the speakers placed strategically all around the humongous ballroom start blasting the latest hit tunes.
It's not very dark in the room, but it's also not very light, either.
The lighting allows you to see everything thing perfectly well if you have animal vision, but I would feel sorry for any kincaids here, to whom it would be pretty dark.
Not that there are any, considering I was the only one.
I reach the bottom, and there are still a lot of people staring at me.
I absentmindedly start wandering the room, trying to look like I'm going somewhere, when really, I have absolutely NO IDEA where I'm going.
So I scope out the room, making a mental map of where every clique is.
I would say that the most amusing part of the floor is where there is a group of Mermaids and some 'female dogs' practically drooling over the Pack's guys and some other boys from various other cliques.
I don't see Kyrin anywhere, which slightly piques my curiosity.
Is that why he didn't have a date? Because he decided not to come? Weird, and I doubt it, so I leave it and head over to the catered dinner area.
I am just about to get a drink when I spot the girls.
I almost didn't see them until I recognized their dresses and masks from that afternoon, and man, did they look stunning.
I debate walking over when they see me and come over on their own, kind of giggling and talking amongst themselves.
Well, this will be interesting.
"Oh my gosh, are you the actual Phoenix?" Is the first question I hear over a barrage of other ones, commenting mostly on my costume, like "Wow, I love your dress!" and "your hair is so amazing!" and on and on.
I laugh to quiet them down, and open my my mouth to reply when I realize that they will recognize my voice, so I answer a key lower than normal.
"Thank-you, and yes, I am the real Phoenix." Surprisingly, it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders just saying that simple phrase out loud to them. Then again, they didn't know it was me telling them this.
"But can you prove it?" I hear a slightly skeptical voice ask.
I look and see that it was Mailee, who is almost smirking at me, evidently skeptical that I am, in fact, the Phoenix.
Understandable, of course.
So I close my eyes, and focus on my spark, except instead of shifting my whole body like I normally would, I just focus on channeling it to my eyes, and after feeling a slight shift in temperature, I open my eyes.
The girls gasp and almost step back at the sight. I must admit, that's pretty close to what my reaction was when I saw my eyes, too.
"Woah! That's so cool!" Riley exclaims, getting closer to stare directly at my face.
All the girls follow but Mailee, who still looks rather unimpressed besides losing the skeptical smirk.
My concentration wavers with all the attention, and I feel my eyes fade back to normal.
"By the way, where did you get your outfit? I totally love it!" Tiffany asks, looking at the intricate, spark-like jewels placed strategically on my dress.
"Oh, um..." I can't tell them the story of Mariah's giant rush to make me look like this, so I make it up on the spot.
"It's this cute little boutique just on the outside of the city. Not many people know of it"
"Oh, neat!" She replies, thankfully satisfied with my answer.
A popular hit song suddenly comes on, and Riley turns to us, squealing.
"Oh my god, I love this song! Guys, come on, let's go dance!" She yells over the music, already moving for the floor.
We all laugh and follow, and start dancing, as best we can in our gigantic ball gowns.
Except Riley of course, who can dance her butt off in her cut-off dress. And man, can she ever move in those heels!
At around the third song, I'm not really watching where I'm going, and I accidentally bump into Mailee.
Like the clutz I am, I start to fall to the hard, awaiting floor.
I close my eyes and wait for impact, but it doesn't comes as Mailee catches my hand and stops me from falling.
I slowly pry my eyes open and turn my head, seeing the floor mere inches away.
I then hear Mailee suddenly gasp, and snap my head back up to her.
She pulls me back up, her eyes as wide as saucers.
"Uh, me and Phoenix are going to grab drinks okay be right back!" She tells the girls in one rushed breath, then yanks me towards the drink table, which is next to the catered dinner at the far end of the room.
When we march right past them into a dark corner, I know that I'm in it real deep now.
"Akaelya, you're the Phoenix?!" She exclaims, evidently exasperated and a little shocked.
"I... Uh..." My jaw refuses to work, trying to come up with an excuse.
"Don't try to deny it, I saw your scar when you turned your head!" She accuses, as she continues staring straight at me.
"My- my scar?" I ask, slightly confused. What scar?
"Yes, your scar! The one right behind your left ear? The one that you've had since you were in diapers?"
Oh. That scar.
I subconsciously reach back and put my hand to the small mark.
I was really little when I got it, so I don't really remember what happened. My mom says it had something to do with a candle, hot wax, a high counter, and a very curious baby Akaelya.
"And, well, it was easy enough after that. The healing. The stuff you did at school. It all makes sense now. But how could you, Akaelya? How could you lie to us? Your friends? Why did you lie to us? Why didn't you-"
I cut her off there.
"I was going to tell you after the ball! I didn't know how else to tell you and have you actually believe me! I thought you could understand, Mai! I couldn't let you guys know, just in case any of you said my name, even accidentally here! I can't let people know! I thought you, of all people, would understand that!"
She calms down and take a thoughtful step back.
After a long, awkward pause she replies. "Fine, I guess I see your point. But you WILL tell the girls after the ball, won't you?" She raises an eyebrow at me.
It's not really a question so much as command, her telling me that I would tell the girls after, no ifs, ands, buts, or coconuts.
I nod, and look over just in time to see the other girls heading over.
"OH! They're coming! Let's go!" Now it was my turn to drag Mailee over to the drink table, hastily pouring half- full cups of punch and shoving one in her hand just before the girls reach us, so it looks like we were here the whole time.
The other girls also grab drinks and just as we are about to sit down, the overhead speakers come on, and the principals voice booms out, announcing that the first of many of tonight's waltzes is about to begin.
The waltzes are dances we have to learn for credits at school, whether you're in Phys Ed at the time or not.
Everyone learns them, and they're played at the ball every year without fail.
I turn back to the girls, knowing that I will not be dancing tonight, by choice or not.
Two good-looking guys come over and ask Tiffany and Riley if they would care to dance, like gentlemen.
I recognize them as the panther shifter and the falcon shifter from one of my classes. They are literally partners for everything, and honestly they are adorable. They are also pretty nice, so overall, they are like strong 8 or 9s.
Both girls agree, and go out on the floor.
I turn back around and take a drink, only to see Kano, Leia, and Mailee staring at something behind me with their jaws practically on the floor.
That's when I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I slowly spin around, only to be met by piercing blue eyes, framed by a simple, silvery mask, and long, blonde hair.
So he is here. He must have been in the bathroom or something when I was walking around.
I almost do a spit-take right then and there all over him.
It would be pretty great to see his nice, crisp grey tux covered in blood-red punch, but I decide that would be just a slight bit on the cruel side.
I swallow forcefully.
"May I have this dance?" He asks, bowing and flashing a brilliant smile.
It's almost hard to believe that this is the same Kyrin that mercilessly bullies me all the time.
As I open my mouth to say no, I seem to lose all control over my limbs, and I am saying yes and smiling right back at him.
Realizing it must be my spirit, I tell her off.
What was that?! I hate Kyrin and he hates me! What are you doing?!
Wait, she replies, you can't tell? Gosh, you are going to need more work than I thought!
Tell? Tell what exactly?
That's when I am interrupted from my thoughts as my spirit forces my hand onto Kyrin's arm.
As soon as we touch, I almost yank back. My entire arm tingles from the contact, as if touching a low-watt socket.
I can tell Kyrin feels it too, by the way he's looking from me, to our interlinked arms, to me, and back again.
We both recover from the initial shock of it (pun somewhat intended), and proceed to the dance floor.
Of course, all the spots are taken but the center one.
Of. Freaking. Course.
We quickly take our spots, as everyone else is already in position, and the classical waltz music starts up.
We begin apart, bow or curtsy, and then come together and begin to move around the floor.
The tingles are relentless and do not seem to ease at all.
"So," Kyrin begins conversation, "the Phoenix really is a girl then. Interesting." He smiles, clearly bemused.
"Yeah, uh, surprise, I guess!" I giggle nervously in reply.
Giggle? What demonic possession has gripped me?!
I spin and he dips me, our faces nearly touching before he sweeps me back up, and we continue in the circle.
My heart almost stops from the near contact.
"Thanks, by the way, for... Uh, you know, healing me back in the woods. I- I might not have made it otherwise." His eyes pierce my own as he says this, completely sincere.
I break eye contact first as I spin away, the back into his arms for a bend, and then back out, and then back together and proceed as before.
"Well, you know, I did kind of owe you for, oh I don't know, saving my life first?" I reply, looking right back at him.
"Well then, your highness, I suppose we will have to call it even then, hmm?" He smirks, looking slightly down at me.
"Well I guess we will then" I reply, smiling uncontrollably.
We step out to our second position, and I kick up with all the other girls, huge dresses flying everywhere, and then a dip and proceed.
I don't really watch where we're going, mostly because Kyrin is leading, and also has this michevious glint in his eyes the whole time we move across the floor, and unbeknownst to me, to the centre of the floor.
"By the way, are you ready?" He asks clearly up to something.
"Ready?" I reply, "Ready for wHA-"
I am cut off as I completely lose my breath when Kyrin lifts me above his head, spinning around while doing it.
I'm surprised he could lift me all the way, considering that while I'm not overweight, I'm not exactly feather-light, especially in this dress.
He gently sets me down, and chuckles heartily at my sudden gasp.
"A bird afraid of heights? Well, that must be a first!" He laughs.
"What? No! That's not fair! I wasn't ready for you to throw me in the air!" I pout, completely oblivious to what comes next.
He looks at me again.
"Throw you? I simply lifted you."
He leans in and grabs my waist as I inhale sharply.
"This would count as throwing you" He whispers in my left ear, his breath tickling and sending shivers down my spine.
He then proceeds to really throw me, like, body-touching-nothing-but-air throw me, a move that I forgot only the centre couple do in this particular dance.
I would have screamed had I had any air to do it with.
I feel his muscles contract once again as he catches me and sets me lightly on the floor again.
My heart is racing, though I can't tell if it's from being thrown into the air, or simply still dancing with Kyrin.
I try to convince myself that it's the former.
"Yep, it's official. You are the first bird ever to be afraid of heights" Kyrin laughs at me, while I blush uncontrollably as we continue into the final sequences of the dance.
He then just stares at me with a light smile on his face the entire time, while I meet his gaze for about 3 seconds total, and then proceed to awkwardly look anywhere but at him to avoid his intense gaze.
"You know, you're adorable when you're embarrassed" He chuckles at me, which only makes me blush even more, and even works a shy smile onto my face.
We take three more steps and one more outward spin, and then the last part of the waltz comes on, signalling us to all get into our first positions again. We part, bow or curtsy once more, and the song is over.
As taught, we all clap and exit the floor with our partners.
"Well, I hope to dance with you yet again tonight, as you are quite the partner to dance with, my dear Phoenix" he jokes lightly, making me smile even wider as we walk off the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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