this is it | 25

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Y/N's POV:

Umito, always the one to cut through the tension with something blunt, turned his gaze back to you. "So... are you going to be able to compete tomorrow, Y/N?"

His tone wasn't harsh or doubtful—it was more matter-of-fact, like he needed the confirmation. The team needed it. 

You straightened up, though the exhaustion still clung to your limbs like a weight you couldn't shake off. You met his gaze, forcing yourself to appear steady, sure.

"Of course, I'll be there," you said firmly. 

You had to be. The team couldn't compete without their captain, without you. They were depending on you, and with the way supplies were running low, you didn't have the luxury to sit this one out. 

The last few supply hunts had turned up empty, and it was starting to feel like you'd scavenged everything there was to find. Winning the tournament was more than just about pride—it was about survival now.

You promised them you'd do your best, even though inside, everything felt like it was unravelling. You couldn't let them see that.

With that, you turned away from the team, retreating to your room without another word. The day had been long enough, and you were done pretending to be okay. You needed sleep—desperately. 

If you wanted to stand a chance at delivering a solid performance tomorrow, you couldn't afford another sleepless night like the last few.

'It'll be fine,' you tried to tell yourself. 

'As long as I keep a fast pace and avoid any physical contact, I'll be fine.'

It sounded almost logical in your head, a strategy you could control. You repeated it over and over, like some kind of mantra. But deep down, a small voice whispered: What's the worst that could happen?

Famous last words.

You tucked yourself into bed, draping the blanket over your tired body. You turned onto your side, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms around yourself. 

'Sleep had to come eventually, right? Just for a few hours,' you begged silently. 'Please, just let me rest tonight. I need the peace, just for this one night.'

But no matter how hard you wished, sleep didn't come. 

Minutes—maybe hours—passed. You weren't sure. Your mind refused to quiet, swirling with every terrifying scenario your imagination could conjure. 

Every possible thing that could go wrong tomorrow, every way the tournament could end in disaster. It was endless, your thoughts looping over and over, a vicious cycle you couldn't escape.

You didn't dare open your eyes to check the clock. The last thing you wanted was to see how little time remained before you'd have to get up and face the day. Your breathing quickened, chest tight, as the panic inside you grew.

*Knock Knock.*

A gentle knock on your door broke through the turmoil in your mind, making your body tense. 

'Who could it be at this hour?' You held your breath, not moving, hoping whoever it was would just go away.

"Y/N, are you awake?"

Toshiro's voice. Soft, hesitant, just outside the door.

You stayed silent, not answering. You couldn't face him right now, not when you were barely holding it together. Maybe if you didn't respond, he'd leave.

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