Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses.

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Questions for ''Jehovah's Witnesses''

By John Christian

(amateur translate from Greek).

This booklet is written in an inverse way that Watchtower magazines issue-that is, while the first perspective makes preaching the doctrine of fallacies

and then asks for the answer.

Here first is the question, and then the correct answer is given.

Thus negating the fallacies of american company ''Watchtower''-which appeared 1846 (!) Years after the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Apostles, the Fathers, Saints, and real witnesses of Christ.

How many dozens of times we've seen in science fiction movies, a hero with the freeze method cryogenic, and when he wakes up after decades, or thousands of years all around are different, he has no idea what the intervening years so that we sleeps.Exactly,in that way, the company perspective comes to teach us a new Gospel, eighteen centuries after the early Christian years!

The point is the deluded sheep-the prodigal sons to understand the lies and deception and to think very seriously about what they will do with their souls and eternity.

1) Question: For the "Watchtower", "that the soul lives after death is a lie told by the Devil" ("You can live ...", pp. 88, 89). Consequently, the existence of saints and their effect on our lives is presented as another lie of the devil.

Question: if the soul dies,how could the rich have a conversation in Hades,how does he asks for  some dew from the finger of Lazarus-and tell to God to send notice to his brothers?

(Speech, hearing, feeling, etc.).does the Bible says lies? (Luke 16:19-31)

The soul and eternity

According to the Witnesses, man does not have a soul. He is a soul. "Adam was a soul .… The lower animals also are souls …. Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the doctrines of eternal torment and immortality of the human soul" (What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe?, 3-4). Thus in a few sentences do they deny several basic Christian doctrines which are clearly taught in Scripture and by all the Fathers of the Church.

As for hell, although few things are so clearly taught in Scripture as the existence of an eternal hell, where the wicked will be punished, the Witnesses reject it. "Once the Devil has invented immortal souls, he had to invent a place somewhere outside heaven or earth for wicked immortal souls to go to. What else could he do but fall back on eternal conscious torment as the explanation?" (Cole, 163).

The Witnesses do not believe God will punish sinners. "The Bible does not teach that man possesses an 'immortal soul' that can endure endless roasting in torment" (Cole, 72). The world already belongs to the Devil. " God never punishes either in this life nor in the next," declared Russell.

There is no hell. Russell says that all are to be raised again and given a second chance. So everything depends on how we behave then, not on how we behave now. The more wicked a man has been in this life, the more likely he is to make good in the next. Even if he doesn't make good and continues to defy God with contempt, he will simply be put out of existence and experience no future evil consequences whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2013 ⏰

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