chapter 21

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Eren p.o.v.

Me and Levi begin to put our shoes on. We were leaving for the picnic with Mikasa and Armin.

We weren't going to bring any food because Mikasa said she had it all covered so with that we walk out the door, get in Levi's car because he wants to drive, and head out to the picnic location which Mikasa had informed me about earlier in the day.
~time skip~

We arrive at the location which is a remote spot that has a little pond. The spot Mikasa and Armin have the blanket layed down at is almost completely inlcosed with willow trees. It's nice and grassy with little dandelions everywhere.....really picture worthy.

"Hey guys!" Armin says cheerfully as we approach them.

"Hi Armin, Mikasa." I greet back.

Levi gives Armin and Mikasa a little smile; his way of saying hello now.

Mikasa begins to pull the food out of her back pack when I notice some pretty little daisy's right next to me. (PUSH THE LIL DAISY'S AND MAKE EM COME UP)

I pluck a few and hold them in my hand, waiting for the perfect moment.

Levi is watching Mikasa place the food so....this is my chance.

Taking Levi's hand into mine and making him open it to expose his palm, I place the flowers there making him roll his eyes and smile. 

"Thank you." He says leaning forward, placing his lips on mine in to which I kiss back.

"Ew! Get a room!" Armin yells, attracting our attention and making us break apart.

"Oh shut up." I joke.

"Yeah, shut up blondie. I can kiss my man wherever I want." Levi says while chuckling, turning into a sassy women for a minute. Instantly he places his lips back on mine and although is is a short kiss, it gets his point through to Armin.

"That's enough guys. Eat up....and I mean the food, not eachothers faces." Mikasa states, sounding like a mom.

"I'll eat up Eren anyway." I hear Levi mumble quietly to himself which makes me blush.

We all begin to dig in, me ignoring Levi's statement, pretty much forgetting about it. They had sandwiches and potato salad, some watermelon, chips, and drinks.

I grabbed a turkey sandwich, a scoop of potato salad, and a drink; mountain dew.

I look over at Levi's plate, he has the same thing except chips in replacement of potato salad.

Beginning to eat I feel tickling on my arm. Looking over, I see it's a lady bug!

"Look levi! A lady bug." I say, picking it up and putting it close to his face.

"Get that nasty thing away from me."

I frown.

"Ladybugs aren't gross." I say, defending the poor ladybug.

"They're bugs. It's going to be dirty, you have no idea where it has been."

Scrunching my face up, I get an idea. I place the lady bug on his cheek.

With that, he yells, slightly jumping at the realization.

"Eren! Get this nasty bitch off me now!"

Armin and Mikasa look over and begin to laugh, seeing what is happening. All three of us now laughing at Levi who's throwing a fit over a bug.

"Eren, I swear to god. Get this off,"

I won't budge. It was funny watching him freak out over something so tiny.

"Or no sex for a month!" He states oh so rudely and shamelessly.

Oh shit....a month! I don't even think he could last that long.

I then take the bug off his face and let it fly away, giving in to his threat.

"That's disgusting....I definitely didn't need to know that." Mikasa says with a horrified face.

"I knew it would work. Eren is a little whore sometimes."

My two friends begin making fake puking noises. I then lightly slap Levi's arm...I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks and ears because of what he said.

"You know you love me." Levi smirks.

"Yeah...I do."

~time skip~

Armin finished his food before anyone else but we all slowly caught up to him.

Mikasa then demanded we give her our trash, so we did.

We all talked for a little longer but decided we needed to head home. Her and Armin left first, taking all their stuff so we were left on the grass. Levi had an issue with it for a couple minutes but soon gave into sitting on it. 

It was getting late so the sun is just now starting to set which leaves an orange glow on the water in front of us.

Levi take hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers.



"I love you. You know that right."

What was he talking about. Of course I knew that.

"Of course I know that. And you know I love you." I state.

"But I mean... I truly love you. I never want to lose you, or see you hurt. I want you to be happy." He looks down at his lap.

"I am happy. Whenever I'm around you." I smile, grabbing his chin forcing him to look at me.

"I'll always be happy as long as you're by my side." I say once again planting my lips on his creating a short but sweet kiss.

"Thank you"

~time skip~

We stayed at the park watching the sunset until it was completely dark.

After that we headed back to the apartment and put a movie in. We cuddled against eachother on the couch until we both drifted off into sleep.
This chapter is just kind of a short, filler chapter until the end which is next chapter.

I guess I love you | Eren X LeviWhere stories live. Discover now