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I am a lonely worm crawling through life, almost unnoticed by people. Lonely, even though surrounded by crowds of similar worms. Each of us was once a worm, most still are, and unless you plan to die today, you will almost certainly become a worm as well. Although we are a crowd, instead of forming an army, we try to crush each other. Although we are similar, we are also so different. The worst off are the cockroaches, to which I belong. This category undoubtedly includes people with vocational and basic education, garbage collectors, cleaners, gravediggers, the homeless, children, the elderly, the poor, the ugly, the disabled, the mentally ill, cashiers, and generally manual workers. We are despised, and we also despise each other. On the other side of the barricade stand the parasites, among whom politicians, journalists, wealthy individuals, criminals, bosses, and other people in managerial positions are at the forefront. They are the kings of life, but we despise them. Why? Because we can!!! At least there is some joy in life that we can despise people who either don't know about our existence or couldn't care less about us. As a rule, if there is someone in this world who despises you, you belong to our army of invertebrates. Whether your wife or your teenage child despises you is irrelevant. Does being called a worm, an invertebrate, or a cockroach offend you? Let's be realistic; each of us has a price, only not everyone knows their own. Kiss a person of the same sex, and you'll get a billion dollars. Don't want to agree? You can deceive your mother, deceive your father, but you can't deceive me and yourself. This is not just about money. How much would a child be willing to do to see their deceased mother once more? How much would a parent of a child with cancer sacrifice their dignity if it could cure their child? Is that unfair? Did you think that the moral compass only extends to material goods? Life is not fair. And do you know what’s the worst part? The same worms like us created this world and make sure it stays that way.

I am Worm Phi. Why? I am no world-shaking Alpha, but I am also a far cry from a homeless, piss-poor Omega (unfortunately, I am closer to the latter). I am so low because I am struggling financially (too much to die, too little to live with dignity) and work as a dishwasher. If work and lack of money are not enough, I’ll add that I have only basic education. The fourth point I can earn for obesity. Although it's a relatively mild obesity, it’s still there. The fifth point is undoubtedly due to my life in loneliness. I have a wife, children, even a friend I see about twice a year due to distance, but despite having these close ones, I still feel very lonely. The sixth and final point is bipolar disorder. This condition makes me, a mere worm, with a pitiable persistence, try to crush myself. So, brothers and sisters, you are not alone in all this. If you are curious about the daily life of a worm and its observations, then read me.

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