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I sat on the old wooden bench, the late afternoon sun casting a warm glow over the seaside. A woman was across from me, quietly waiting. I knew I needed to share this, but my throat felt tight, like the words were stuck.

"It was... it was like a dream," I began, trying to keep my voice steady. "We met on a rainy afternoon, the kind where the sky seems to be... crying."

I took a deep breath, feeling the lump in my throat grow. "I was wandering, lost, both physically and... emotionally. He came up and offered me an umbrella—this old, crooked thing with a faded design. I thought it was odd, but..."

I paused, trying to hold back the tears. "He didn't just give me the umbrella. He walked with me, sharing stories, laughter. It felt like he had this incredible ability to make everything beautiful, even in the rain."

The memory of Philip's laughter and his smile felt like a weight pressing on my chest. "With him, the rain wasn't a burden. It was... kind of magical. We spent so many afternoons under that crooked umbrella, talking about everything—dreams, fears. He really saw me."

My voice cracked, and I had to stop for a moment. I looked down, unable to meet the woman's eyes. "Philip and I... we had a connection, but... well, there were rules, and we weren't supposed to be together. It was always something that I knew I couldn't truly have."

I hesitated, the pain making my words falter. "But even so, there were moments with him that felt like a different kind of magic. He's gone now. Just a part of my past that I cherish but can never fully embrace."

I looked up at the woman, trying to gather myself. "Whenever it rains, I find a piece of him. Each drop feels like a reminder of something beautiful, a time when love felt like magic, even if it wasn't meant to be."

The seaside around us seemed to hold its breath, the silence heavy with the weight of the story shared.

The woman's voice broke the silence. "Did you ever try looking for him? Maybe reaching out somehow?"

I shook my head slowly, unable to meet her gaze. "No, I didn't." The weight of those words felt heavier than I expected.

"It just... it felt too late. And I—" I paused, struggling to find the right words. "I was broken in ways I didn't know how to fix. I was afraid that even if I did find him, I wouldn't be whole enough to be with him. Not after everything."

The woman's expression softened with understanding, but I could see the concern in her eyes. I let out a shaky breath. "Sometimes, the past is better left where it is. Even if it hurts, it feels safer not to reach back into those memories and risk breaking all over again."

There was a long pause as I looked out over the park, feeling the sting of unresolved pain. "So, I guess... I just left it as it was. A part of me wishes I could have done something different, but I think I was too afraid of what I'd find."


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