Questionnaire 😜

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Sadly this is not an update..

I lowkey might have quit this book. There's too much and i really don't like it anymore cause nothing makes sense. Characters personalities are everywhere, there's no plot. Just a hot mess

But im not gonna be to hard on my self cause this was my first book, and boy was it a journey 😂.

Anyways Y'all have Two options, for my readers who are still active.


Sooo i've been working on this book and it won't be published until i get atleast 10 chapters written, but I have all next week off from school so if it goes good it should be published next week or soon after.

If y'all choose this option y'all will be getting another book.




Philadelphia, Park
Saturday, April 22, 2013

       ZAMARI WIPED TEARS FROM HIS TINY FACE AS a boy kicked him, landing directly on his stomach. They'd been going at it for 5 minutes, and by going at it, I mean Zamari had been getting his ass beat for 5 minutes. He prayed that the boy would give up and get tired of beating his ass, but it didn't look like that was happening anytime soon.

It looked like they were just getting started.

"Get up, Pussy." Ayden said to the 10-year-old. Ayden was 11, going on 12 in a few days. He stopped kicking, letting Zamari catch his breath for a moment. He wanted to make the fight fair, although it really wasn't fair due to their height, and age difference.

"You done talking shit?" Ayden asked as Mari stood up to his full height. The boy spit some blood out of his mouth, hoping to keep talking until somebody found the two since he couldn't just run away, he had too much pride for that.

"I was never talking shit, Ayden. I only spoke the truth." He smartly replied. Ayden frowned up his face, going to hit Zamari again, but with all of his strength this time. Closing his eyes tightly, Mari braced for impact however it never came.

"Ayden! S-Stop it! What is w-w-wrong with you?" Amoura, Ayden's younger sister ran in front of him yelling. "You see he's bleeding, just stop it a-already." She forcefully pushed him back.

"Amoura, this ain't your business. Just go home, and play dolls or somethin." Ayden spat.

"If I go home right now, I'a get Mom-m-Momma and JaJa." She threatened, by bringing up Zamari's brother. Ayden was scared of Zamari's brother, he was older and had hands.

Smacking his lips, Ayden rolled his eyes irritatedly. He swore that Amoura just had to be the good girl in every situation. "You such a snitch. I should beat your ass instead." He threatened.

"You so pussy that you'll put your hands on a girl?" Zamari smiled asking and Amoura gave him a 'really' look. She was trying to keep him from getting whooped and he just kept talking. He winked at her shrugging, he'd rather get beat up than see her get beat up.

"Zamari, I know you not talking. I just beat your ass for the 5th time this week." He cockily said.

"I-- Ayden i-it's over." Moura cut Zamari off. "You either stop or I swear on e-e-everything that I will go and tell the who-w-whole block that you still pee your pants."

A harsh shove was placed on her body, causing Amoura to hit the ground, breaking her fall with her soft hands.


𝑭𝑰𝑵𝑫𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑽𝑨𝑳𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑬,         Notti osama!Where stories live. Discover now