Second champion?!?!?!

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 Amelia s POV

I had made it back to the rest of the champions and we started talking about it. I still did not like Krum I don't think I can trust him at all. Fleur is quite full of herself. I don't think she was the best choice for her school but oh well. I hope she will be okay I worry for her during this tournament. We had talked for a few moments but stopped when there was a lot of commotion. We could hear someone coming up the steps. Harry walked in and I could say we were all shocked. I walked up to him.

" Harry why are you here? I told you to stay away from the dangerous things this year. This will get dangerous. I dont want you to get hurt. Why are you here?" I asked him, but he muttered something I looked him in the eyes and saw he was about to break i pulled him to my chest. i was taller than him still so i rested my head on him and shushed him when he started to cry quietly. I still had no idea what had happened. I hope no one frames him in anything. 

Just then Dumbles came rushing in. And he went to harry " Harry did you put your name in the goblet of fire. " He said calmly by shoving him into the wall. It was at that moment i broke. My brother, my support in everything had been put in the tournament of death with me.

( 290 words )

I know that was short but i wanted to make it short because i can and im tired. I only wanted to write that so yeah   bye bye


Demigod + Witch = Amelia PotterWhere stories live. Discover now