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Leo's POV

I woke up in a cube looking room with just a door and a box that had an arrow pointing up, and the word up.

I was sitting in a chair with my hands and legs tied up. Very original. I then saw the same man walk through the door.

"It's a good thing you don't remember me" he said. "Yes I do, you are the guy who asked for directions to a hotel." I said. He gave a face palm. "Not as you think." He smirked. "Now, I need you to do something for me." He asked. Why the heck would I help him? I thought. "Why would I help you" I said. He just laughed. "Because, you might have to face some consequences." He said. "Which one of them could mean death." He also said. No. He can't mean my friends.

"But oh, you might not want to help them." He said as he walked over to me. "Because your selfish." Now that made me angry. "I'm not selfish." I murmured. He continued anyway. "You are vain." He also tempted. "I'm not that either." I said a little louder. Still continued. "And also shallow, attention seeking, demanding, stubborn, impati-"

"FINE I'LL HELP YOU! WHAT DO YOU WANT!" I yelled. He smiled. "I thought so." And came over to the box with the arrow and pulled out another box with the same flowers libra wore. I hope she is okay.

He then opened the box and held a needle with a heart and jewels and another little box with a jewel hummingbird. he pointed at the needle. "This is the needle of hearts" he explained. Sounds like a very familiar tool I used once. "Your job, is to get a prick of all of your 11 friend's blood." He requested. Heck no, I'm not going to just ask for blood.

"Umm, then what do you do?" I asked. "Just leave the rest to me." He said. I gave him a look, then just I said "ok"

~time skip with the box to the apartment~

It was around 12:00 am when I got to the apartments, libra must have been worried sick, she probably stayed up all night. As I held on to the box, I got into the apartment main floor and walked into the room with all the elevators. I choose the middle one and pressed the button with 13 on it. It took a while, but when I got there, I got into the hallway and got to our apartment number, 123.

I knocked, just to make sure libra was awake. Then I heard libra "It's open!" She yelled. As I walked in, she looked at me. She was having her, "I can't sleep so I'm watching the food network and eating food" mood. She ran up to me and hugged me. "OH MY GOD LEO, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" She was happy and mad at the same time.

I couldn't tell her about that man and the needle. She looked at the box I had. "And what is that?" She asked. "Well, I had to help someone, and by helping, they gave me this jewelry box." I lied. I always felt bad when I lied. I held back the guilt I know was somewhat showing.

"Can I see the jewelry inside?" She asked. She held her hand toward the box. I held it back and said "no" she just gave a "well alrighty then!" Look.

~middle of the day~

Libra's POV

I waved to Leo goodbye. She had to go do something somewhere. It was the perfect chance to get to her secret jewelry box. As I ran to the door and shut it, I ran back to me and Leo's bedroom. I tried to look for her box of secrets. I couldn't find it anywhere. Leo is one of the best hiders I know so duh.

Then, in the closet, there it was. The box. I grabbed on to it and opened it. There was a needle with a heart and a jewel hummingbird.

I stared at the two items. After five seconds they started to glow, brighter and brighter. Suddenly, all of these images came in my head, fire, battles, crowns, and the needle. It all came to me.

This is the needle of hearts, the hummingbird of life. Touched by evil's hands. But I'm not just human.

I'm a warrior, and an air user.


Hey guys! So libra just found out about her past. You might be thinking. TRAXER, WHY DINT YOU MAKE A PROLOUGE ABOUT THIS. Well I wanted to keep it for the prequel, "the secret of a realm" coming in 2016! (Jk, maybe when school starts) hope you all liked this chapter!

Btw, comment a sign you want to see the POV of, it can be anyone, and I'll make drama! Cya!


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