Episode 1 - The Dazzlings' Unexpected Offer

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Narrator: In the Battle of the Bands, the Rainbooms defeated the Dazzlings and as a result lost their magic and their ability to sing. Now, everyone hates the three villains and they were suspended from school. Ever since then, the girls' lives have been turned upside down in an instant. Adagio, the leader and the oldest of the Dazzlings, couldn't pay the bills of the apartment they rented months back and money was severely tight. Not only that, but they were short on food and water. The girls even tried to apply for jobs to help pay up the late rents, but due to them being known as the villains, it was very difficult. The next day, the landlord knocks on the door and Adagio answers it.

Landlord: It's time to pay up your late rents, Ms. Dazzle.

Adagio: I still don't have the money ma'am. Give me another 2 weeks.

Landlord: (annoyed) Ms. Dazzle, I've given you plenty of time to pay up your late rents. You're 3 months behind. You leave me no choice but to evict you.

Adagio: But-

Landlord: No buts. I want you out of here in the next 30 minutes. Do I make myself clear?

Adagio: (sighs sadly) Yes ma'am....

Narrator: As the landlord leaves, the saddened Dazzling walks to Aria and Sonata's room to break the terrible news. Sonata, the youngest Dazzling, was watching Aria, the second oldest Dazzling, play video games.

Adagio: Girls, I have some terrible news...

Aria: (groans) What is it now?

Adagio: We're moving out....

Sonata: WHAT?!

Aria: Are you serious?!

Adagio: Unfortunately... The landlord wants us out now, so start packing your stuff....

Aria: Ugh... (mutters) I can't believe this.

Sonata: (crying) Wh-where are we suppose to go...?

Aria: (angrily) Oh suck it, crybaby! I'm sure Adagio will come up with something! (to Adagio) Don't you?

Adagio: I.... I.... I don't know....

Narrator: The two Dazzlings stared at their leader in disbelief. This is something Adagio would NEVER say.

Aria: I'm sorry, did I hear that right? Did you just say that you don't know?

Adagio: That's right...

Aria: (sarcastically) Wow. I'd never thought I see the day.

Adagio: (irritated) Oh shut up and continue packing! (leaves)

Narrator: 25 minutes later, the Dazzlings gathered all of their belongings and started walking on the road. They walked for about an hour or so, not saying a word to each other. That's when they started to feel hot, tired, and hungry.

Sonata: (weakly) Adagio, can we get some food....?  I'm hungry....

Aria: (weakly) Yeah...

Adagio: (checks her wallet and sees a nearby pizza place) Yeah... I guess we can get something...

Sonata & Aria: (sighs in relief) Thank goodness...

Narrator: As soon as they stepped inside the deli, the breeze of the AC hit their tired and sweaty bodies.

Aria: Man... I almost forgot what an AC felt like... I could stay here forever...

Sonata: Me too...

Adagio: As much as I would like to stay here too, we'll have to continue on. I don't think the owner would want us here too long. Now let's order our meals so we can go.

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