Episode 3 - The Slumber Party

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Narrator: The girls finally made it to Pinkie Pie's house. However, the Dazzlings are still asleep.

Sunset: (turns the engine off) Girls? Girls, wake up. We're here.

Narrator: The Dazzlings yawned and stretched.

Aria: (tired) Already...?

Sonata: (tired) 45 minutes went by fast...

Adagio: Sunset, are you positive this is gonna work out?

Sunset: (places a hand on Adagio's shoulder) Of course, Adagio. It'll be fine.

Adagio: Whatever you say...

Narrator: Everyone gets out of the car and goes to the trunk to get the boxes of pizza and the Dazzlings' stuff. Sunset then knocks on the door and Pinkie answers it. A huge smile spreads across her face.

Pinkie: Sunset! You made it! And you got the pizzas! (notice the Dazzlings) And you brought the Dazzlings!

Aria: 'Sup?

Adagio: Hey.

Sonata: Are you Pinkie?

Pinkie: Yesirooni! Welcome! Come in, come in! (steps aside)

Narrator: The girls stepped inside the house. It was filled with decorations and balloons.

Aria: You sure know how to throw a party, I'll tell you that Pinkie.

 Pinkie: Thanks Aria! 

Narrator: The other Rainbooms were gathered around in the living room waiting for Pinkie to come back with the guests.

Rainbow Dash: (impatiently) C'mon, Pinkie! It doesn't take a century to come here with the guests that Sunset and Twilight never mentioned to us!

Twilight: Patience, Rainbow.

Narrator: As soon as everyone, except Twilight, saw the Dazzlings, there were angry faces among them.

Rainbow Dash: What are they doing here?! Who invited them?!

Sunset: Me and Twilight did.

Applejack: And why the hay did y'all do that?!

Rarity: Yeah! Have you forgotten about what they have done?! They put us through a lot with their singing and magic!

Adagio: Trust me, girlfriend, we don't want to be here either, but here we are by choice.

Sonata: Actually me and Aria wanted to come here.

Narrator: Adagio hits Sonata's arm with her elbow.

Sonata: (rubs her arm) Ow!

Sunset: Me and Twilight talked about them learning the power of friendship. 

Aria: Hold on. We said we'll think about it. 

Adagio: Yeah. We haven't made up our minds yet.

Sunset: Right... and plus I said I'd help them get back on their feet since they lost their apartment and are struggling financially.

Rainbow Dash: (mutters) Just what they deserve.

Twilight: (gives Rainbow Dash a look) Rainbow!

Fluttershy: I'm sorry to hear that.

Adagio: It's whatever.

Pinkie: Anyway, now that everyone's here, let's get this party started!

Aria: Can we take a shower first? 

Pinkie: Of course. The bathroom is at the far right. You can't miss it.

Aria: Thanks.

Adagio: I'm going in first.

Sonata: Many, many minutes later....

Aria: (laughs)

Adagio: (annoyed) I don't take long in the shower!

Sonata: Yeah you do! You use, like, the majority of the hot water and barely leave any for me and Aria to use!

Adagio: (rolls her eyes) Whatever.

Narrator: The Dazzlings grabbed their towels and Adagio, of course,  went to the bathroom first. Then Aria went next, and finally Sonata went in. About 35 minutes later, the girls, now in their pj's, joined the Rainbooms in the living room.

Pinkie: Let the slumber party commence!

Narrator: And with that, everyone started grabbing slices of pizza and started to eat like there's no tomorrow. Afterwards they watched some movies mixed with comedy and a little bit of suspense. It's now midnight and all except Twilight, Sunset, and Sonata are sleeping. Sonata silently gets out of bed and tiptoes out of the guest room to go talk with Twilight and Sunset. She overhears the girls talking about her and her sisters and slightly peeks at them as they speak.

Sunset: I really hope the Dazzlings make their decision soon. I just want what's best for them.

Twilight: I hope so too, Sunset. 

Sonata: (approaches the girls) I actually made my decision.

Twilight & Sunset: You have?

Sonata: Yes. I want to have friends too. I'm tired of being known as a villain to everyone. I want my life to be fixed. Hearing Sunset's story and hanging out with the girls made me realize that it's not too late to change who you are and how you treat those around you. So I said to myself "Enough's enough! It's time to get re... to get re...." (facepalm) Oh what's the word? 

Twilight: Reformed?

Sonata: (snaps her fingers)  Yeah that's it.

Narrator: Hearing this terrific news from the youngest Dazzling brings a smile to Sunset and Twilight's faces.

Sunset: I'm really glad you want to change, Sonata. 

Twilight: Me too. But I'm actually shocked this is coming from the youngest Dazzling.

Sonata: (giggles) I know. Ironic, ain't it?

Narrator: The two Rainbooms laughed as well.

Sonata: I just hope my sisters make the same decision as me.

Twilight: I'm sure they will, Sonata. Just give them time.

Sonata: Well to start off my journey of friendship, I would like to apologize on behalf of mine and my sisters actions during the Battle of the Bands. Our music brought mischief to everyone and it was really wrong of us.

Sunset: I forgive you.

Twilight: Me too. 

Sonata: (shocked) Really? You forgive me just like that?

Twilight: Of course. Friends don't hold grudges against each other.

Narrator: A big smile spreads across Sonata's face as she gives a hug to the two Rainbooms. This brings a shock to the girls for a second but then returns the hug.

Sonata: Thank you so much! You don't know how much that means to me!

Sunset and Twilight: You're welcome.

Sonata: Well I better be off to bed. It's late so goodnight my new friends! (skips back to the guest room)

Twilight: Goodnight, Sonata. (her and Sunset wave) We better get some shut eye too.

Sunset: Yeah. Night. 

Twilight: Night.

Narrator: The two went their separate ways into different rooms and they immediately fell asleep.

(End of Episode 3)

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