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                                                      ☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒  ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆

Me and Mrs Jeon have been roaming around in this mall from the past whole 2 hours.

We were giggiling and laughing while pointing out some dresses and other stuff and complimenting each other.

My legs were aching like hell but didn't say anything as she looked so happy at this moment.

We bought lots of things like our hands are full and can't hold any more bags.

"OMG, y/nie that dress looks so beautiful. Doesn't it." Mrs Jeon said with a gasp while struggling due to the bags and pointing her index finger at the dress in a shop in the mall.

"Yes auntie it's beautiful." I said while looking at the dress, it indeed was eye catching.

A maxi type dress with a small slit on the left leg which would reveal the calves.

"What do you say should we get it?" Mrs Jeon asked for my opinion while I instantly shook my head as no.

"Auntie we already did lots of shopping, we can't hold any more bags." I slightly whined as she chuckled.

"Ok, ok, let's sit down for a while to give our aching feets some rest." She said and we sat down on the bench with a tired sigh.

"Gosh, it's been a while since I walked this much." Mrs Jeon said with a Huff.

I felt relaxed my feet thanked me.

I nodded at her statement.

"Are you hungry y/nie?" She asked and I looked at her with 'are you serious' look.

She literally asked me as if we just did not eat 2 whole tubs of ice creams, and 2 bottles of juice, red velvet pastries AND some crisps as well.

She giggled at my reaction and said.

"Alright, I'm just kidding I don't have any more space to eat anything now." She said.

"Gosh, me too auntie, I feel stuffed." I said with heavy sighs and patted my belly a little as I ate lots of food today.

I think I won't need to eat the lunch and dinner today.

Gotta start hitting the gym again from tmrw I guess

We were talking with each other while taking a break from the hectic and fun shopping.

"Auntie pls wait I'll go and use the restroom." I said while getting up from my seat while she nodded with a "sure sweetie.".

Gosh this woman is too sweet and kind, she literally doesn't look like a wife of a mafia.

I started searching for the female restroom as I've never been to this mall before.

" excuse miss can you please tell me where the female restroom is?" I asked done female who was sitting with her 2 kids near the fountain.

She told me the direction while u thanked her and went to the restroom.

After emptying up my bladder I reached for the sink and washed my hands.

I was about to turn around and leave when.

"Hello, sweetheart.." A husky voice came from behind.

No, No, No  it's not him I'm hallucinating, it can't be him.

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